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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Wild

      by , 08-29-2011 at 09:21 AM
      So i was in bed and I guess I kinda woke up and I felt as if a gust of wind was blowing towards me, I could hear the vibrations and feel them. Them i was in the dream in my bed. I tried to move but then I woke up. Pretty sick. THe night before I was dreaming that I was in the indoor soccer place and these random guys were there so then I knew something was wrong so i looked up at the clock thing and realized I was dreaming. THen I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    2. 7/7/10-7/8/10 old house, mom, neighbor,oranges,enlgish writing, ice cream, little kids, burgossdd ,

      by , 07-08-2010 at 06:25 PM
      I was in my old house, and there was this table full of ice cream, and there was this girl that obviously liked me, but i already had a girlfriend and i couldnt cheat on her. So then she told me to take her ice cream. I pick the strawberry shortcake for her, for me i pick the ice cream sandwich thing with the crunchy chocolate. Then we were walking in my backyard and she started to come on to me. I let it kept going cause i was like ¨iam a guy , iam not really knowing shes doing it , but she is haha¨. So then i see over the fence and i see the neighbor in the middle and they have a hugee backyard, and its all full of orange trees, then i was with these little kids, i think they were ms.s0sas. And we were talking to the neighbor on the right, and he was kinda an old man, and i was trying to ask him if the oranges were profitable, i couldnt ask because the little kids kept asking questions, at one point i was like ´´Shut up!´´. He answered me that it is but he needs more land because he doesnt have enought trees. Then z&ack and 0j randomly show up, then i say should i ask if he wants to rent land, they were like yea! ask.. Then i asked him if he wanted to rent land of my backyard for his oranges, he was like yea sure!.. Then we went back to the house and we saw like all the signs of the english kids there, CJ WT, in like yellow blue.

      Then it was me amixx,oj,and anacsu, and we went around me house in the back, and it was full of these condos, yellow condos, and there were alot ofppl. We were gonna try to go to burgossds house to go in the pool, i remmeber asking him in vent where was his house. It was gonna be funny.

      I was like in the airport in this store , like a cia thing, and i was an agent, and this wierd guy comes on to the right counter and he leaves this suitcases there. And he leave, i already know that its something bad, so i tell the girl in the counter to get the dogs NOW, to sniff it. So the dog comes and its a labrador puppy golden. and he sniffs it and nothing, so then another dog comes, and he sniffs it and nothing. So then i hear the guy say, he didnt get the metal in the books, so then i open the books and theres this metal thing in there, and then the guy attacks me and the other guys help me. Thats all i remember! hehe