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    1. My first lucid dream!

      by , 03-01-2011 at 05:52 AM
      Well, this all happened to me so fast it was hard to even believe it happened. I closed my eyes at around 11:00 exactly on a Sunday night, preparing for the daunting work week ahead of me. As i close my eyes, I say to myself "regardless of what happens, i'm still in my bed." My eyes shut, I begin see the patterns of darkness inside my mind traveling, moving, forming, something. Somehow i feel more and more seperated from my body as time goes on. At last the darkness inside increases to a greater intensity, the only way i can describe it is as if i'm becoming swallowed out of my reality.
      Without transition, i'm transported, already in the middle of doing talking to an elderly woman at what appears to be a preschool. You know, one of those regular houses used for living but get a couple colorful ribbons thrown in the living room and there you go, a preschool. Anyway, turns out i'm actually in this house taking an english class, with my best friend Jango. Jango isn't there, but somehow that fact is implicit throughout the dream. I enter a conversation with Jango's father about him and how he's doing, I can't tell you what I said but i can tell you I said something. Something draws me to the kitchen, I see a woman sitting at the kitchen table, just sitting. and all of a sudden a thought enters my mind like lighting. "Wait, wasn't I in bed?"
      Upon uttering those word my world stops, almost all of the color leaves the room, except for only the blandest of shades on the walls and in my surrounding vison. I remember what i read on Dreamviews, so i try to walk, somewhere. Soon as i attempt to walk, my face feels as if my left cheek gained about 50 pounds in an instant, my whole upper left body is feeling the pressure of some unknown gravity that keeping me from moving. I look at the woman sitting at the kitchen table and she's frozen, solid. So i say to myself "this is a dream, right?" With my somehow still moving right side i give the hardest slap i must've ever given anyone in my life, could never get away with that in the real world. What does she do. Nothing, doesn't budge at all, her skin feels almost as if she morphed into a statuesque totem, only way i can describe. So i figure if i'm dreaming, i'll can do something else, i can do anything, let's change the scenery.
      I close my eyes, and it's wierd because i can somehow view myself in the third person when i'm dreaming. I imagine black but my mind get distracted and the thought of a monster slips out, think of the most monsterous thing you can think of. Yeah, something like that. I remember the potential power of dreams so i quickly change focus back to black. Keep thinking black.I feel everything behind me going into darkness and all of a sudden i'm before a window in the middle of the night, the moon the only light penetrating the old screen and blinds, i've been here before. This is my grandmother's house.
      Not too long after that. I focus more on the windowsill. As it turns out. The window sill is my own. I'm awake, face still full of vibrations. I had my first Lucid Dreaming expierience, and hopefully, not my last.