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    5.02.13 - An Adventure!

    by , 05-03-2013 at 04:25 AM (637 Views)
    [Left work early. Got home around 3:00pm. * and took a nap, fell asleep around 3:15pm. Woke around 4:45pm.]

    [Playing a character in the dream but saw good friends from middle school (Chad and John), a former boss that constantly berated me (Nina), a current kind co-worker (Evelina), and an old interest that attempted to use me to gain a US Visa (Nawras).]

    I am going on a big trip with a group from school [not real school, class, ect]. We fly somewhere and are staying at the huge luxury resort. We are a part of some big event and there are groups from many other schools around the country. Nina is supervising our group and is not too happy about it. We leave our rooms to meet in a large conference room to read the event rules and regulations - what to do and not to do while we are in the resort.

    At the moment there is only a few of us and it is silent while each person reads the rules separately. Evelina, who finishes first, casually walks over to look out the floor-to-ceiling window (many stories up) that faces the huge parking lot. Laughing to herself she exclaims, "Wow! There's two HUGE cars out there parked where we have to use the restroom. Why would they do that?" Thinking HUGE means limousines, I quickly join her at the window to look outside. Despite half the parking lot being empty, there is a black and a white SUV parked on the grass right next to the small path leading to the bathroom. What jerks! There are PLENTY of spaces.

    Shaking my head, I walk back to other side of room and start reading. Apparently the rules are ridiculous because I read the first sentence and mutter, "DAMN!" This is met with a dirty glare from Nina and I immediately apologize and avoid looking at her. From the corner of my eye I see my friend is grinning behind her papers trying not to laugh at me.

    A few hours later, my friend and I go exploring in the lush green hills and bordering forest behind the resort. We noticed a lot of people have been disappearing down in that area and reappearing later giggling and chatting among themselves but refuse to tell us anything. We're determined to see what everyone is up to; plus, it is all the more exhilarating because we are not supposed to leave the hotel property and we're feeling a bit naughty.

    A mile or so behind the hotel we're almost at the line of the forest. There is a small shed like at my grandmother's house in front of a 5 foot high wood plank fence. Behind the fence I can see a wire mesh cage over a few small bushes. A little further behind the cage is a 6 foot tall wood chair, similar to a life guard seat at the beach, and next to this is a pile of brush. People are coming and going from somewhere nearby so I decide to pop over the fence and take a look.

    As I start over the top plank, my cell phone rings - it's an unknown number. Hesitating for a moment, I finally pick up. "Hello?"
    "Hi gorgeous. What's your name?"
    "Uuuhhh... Emily. Why?"
    "Emily, I love that sexy voice you have. You know what you should do with that smoky voice of yours?"

    At this point I remember someone telling me one of the groups at the resort got a hold of a handful of women's numbers and were calling them to attempt to initial what they called "phone flirting" conversations. At a loss of what to do next - because I am too nice to just hang up the phone and go back to my adventure - I look desperately to my friend to help. Huge grin plastered on her face, she takes the phone from my hand and interrupts the "charmer" on the other end with the most high pitched voice I've ever heard.

    "Hi, my name is Amie. How are you?"
    I burst out laughing while the confused guy on the phone sputters, "W...wait. Is this Emily or Aime?"
    "Oh fuck!" Click! Call end!

    Now we're both laughing our asses off over how randomly absurd the entire conversation was when I see my old friend Chad sitting in the life guard seat. As I turn to get his attention, John, who apparently has been looking for us, catches up. I start telling him about the phone call and my situation earlier with Nina.

    "I seriously could NOT get through that thing without muttering swears under my breath."
    Amie chimes in with, "No, really John, she could NOT stop swearing. She said like four things right in front of Nina and I thought she was about to get attacked. The look on her face was HILARIOUS!" John and I are rolling on the ground laughing and Amie is doubled over with laughter. We recover a few minutes later and I start to climb the fence again.

    I make eye contact with Chad and he is not amused.
    "How the heck did you get out here Chad?"
    "Only certain people can know and you're not one of them so you should just get back to the hotel."

    I just shrug off his shortness and start looking around. I can see a huge bush about 20 feet from the cage that I couldn't see before because the shed blocked my view. Heading in that direction, I walk past the cage and just happen to notice there are tiny baby rabbits inside the wire mesh; they look so soft and warm! Glancing to my left, wait... Woah! A random guy pushes up the pile of brush, sees me, and quickly disappears. It must be a secret trap door!

    In my excitement, I start towards the pile when Chad stops me. "No! Stop! That's private property and we cannot be near it. Listen, there's a tunnel in the bushes over there that leads back to the basement of the hotel. That's what everyone's been up to. Just go." Smiling triumphantly, I go check out the bushes and sure enough, there is a huge dark tunnel! So through it I go.

    Arriving finally back at the resort, I pop in somewhere to see Nawras. I must have known from before that he would be there with some friends but because the hotel is so massive, I did not think it likely we would even see each other. Momentarily I am dazzled by his sexy smile and well-toned body. The old crush surfaces at that moment and all I want to do is get him back to my room to finish off this attraction once and for all.

    Before I can even open my mouth to return his greeting though, the memories of his betrayals flood back into my head. When he used to blow me off for his friends but seem conveniently interested with me when he needed a ride. Then when he magically appeared in my life three years later, out of the blue, to talk to me on the phone for hours about why he is so much more mature than when he was in college. Finally finishing it off with his admission that he was going to ask to marry me so he could gain a US Visa but once he realized I was not leaving my boyfriend for him, he never talked to me again.

    Not only did he use me, but I was stupid enough to let him, even after catching onto his game the first time. Am I that in need of someone to talk openly with? A close friend? I think not, but there is a reason for everything - even if it is a bad reason. These negative emotions effectively wake me fully.

    I am seeing an interesting theme of negative emotions that I've set aside or ignored manifesting themselves suddenly in my dreams. I wonder if this is due to my openness to new experiences or if it is only because I am now making an attempt to remember my dreams. Hmm...

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