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    Entry #004

    by , 05-21-2015 at 09:09 AM (254 Views)
    I've met a hypnotist who said that he can give me a LD. I decided to try it out. He was moving his hands in front of me. He said that he's gonna touch my head with his and then I'll be in a very deep trance. It really happened. I knew what's happening with my body and had a LD at the same time (fake one again :/). I saw some text which was shifting colors: cyan->magenta->yellow->cyan->... I thought that I'd like to see Big Ben in London and I got teleported there. I was flying and looking directly at the clock tower. The image was still shifting colors from cyan through magenta to yellow and again. I was looking around London for a while and soon the hypnotist woke me up. After that I was talking with my sister on Skype. She was really interested in my experience, which is really weird because she's never interested in things like this.

    (Probably a fragment of another dream.)
    I was sitting at the desk with a computer monitor on it. I turned it on and saw a file list in one window and a movie playing in another. There was my old wallpaper on the desktop.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
