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    Woman in the Clouds

    by , 12-25-2013 at 07:43 PM (370 Views)
    I am standing in a garden floating in space and realized this must be a dream, and become lucid. The garden had a small walk way leading to a tree shading a fish pond. I can see many types of flowers and plants covering this chunk of earth. Since i was in space i could see stars and such,along with a large planet resembling earth. Only this planet had more of a green hue than a blue hue, and the land had more of a redish color.
    I am amazed by the beauty of this place. It blew my mind.
    I call out, ''what is this place?"
    The clouds lit up with a purple color (my favorite color
    and a womans voice spoke so softly, "this is a dream, you are looking at your dream world. You call it Starlight." I am so shocked to speak with her again so i take this moment to ask this all knowing entity about parallel universes, she said dreams are similiar to parallel worlds, then told me not to ask too many questions that go beyond my personal existence. So i just ask about how we can help this planet. But she didnt answer, I had fallen into the pond trying to get closer to the purple cloud. As i struglled to get out of the water ( at this point losing focus) I thought how amazing it would be to see her. But i just floated on down into the water.
    The next thing i know i am on the planet i was just looking at. The earth had a red/ yellowish tint and everything felt familiar, like it was another form of the town i lived in. Only everything had been set up around the factory instead of general stores or anything like that. I walk up to some people heading in for work, i pretended to work there to get inside ( following the story of the dream kinda deal, still lucid, just like going with the flow.) and see what it looked like. Someone saw me and started talking to me, I asked him what this place as and he just gave me the planet name. which was different than Earth. I began to tell him i was from earth and he just freaked out, his eyes filled with blood and popped out, revealing alien android looking eyes. His flesh began to melt, uncovering the metal and organic flesh of the alien being. Its hands grew longer and body began to get taller. I realized i need to confront this dream monster head on...only physically confronting it, i didnt ask its purpose or what it meant. I just destroyed it like Neo, lol. grabbed its head and sholder and just severed the head. Other people also turned into these aliens and i just knew i was going to kick some ass. So i destroyed the group of aliens and i got so excited the dream scene changed into me in the inner city having a gun waved at me, and this is where i lost lucidity. I just began to get scared by the gun and tried to defend myself. But as i threw a knife, his wife got in the way and she dropped. He kind of just stopped and said accidents happen, so he took me to his house and showed me his other wife...idk. It was a cool dream at first, just got stupid near the end.
    But it was the second time talkin to the woman in the clouds...i just had to get that out there.
    soorrrry for the lousy typing and grammar. REALLY TIRED!

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