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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Involution

      by , 07-09-2012 at 05:26 AM (The Persistence of Dreams)
      Date: 07/08/2012

      I found myself driving out toward a school. I had gone into English class, and the teacher had excused me, for some reason, so I had left. I had headed down to the mall, as I was killing time to go to work. As the time flew by, I found myself driving to work and when I had arrived, it was apparently my first day on the job. As it was slow (it seemed to be late fall), they gave me an easy time and the manager decided to hold some type of competition/race. Basically, we had to run from one end of the restaurant to the other, dodging people, to obtain this raw fish (for us to cook ourselves... weird) and a can of coke. We had to do three laps, and it was between me, and this other guy. As we raced, I found myself dodging through customers very easily, in a slow motion type of effect. As I lapped for the third time, I had won the race and the fish. By the time that was done, it was time to clock out and head off for the night. So I had grabbed the fish, and headed to the bathroom because the fish smelled sort of bad, as it had been sitting in the sun while we were doing the race. I threw it in the trash, and this guy I used to work with at one of my old jobs (UB) had appeared. He had said something, and I had said something back, but I don't really remember. I had washed my hands after trashing the fish, and as I left I headed to my car. (I had also glanced at my arm and my tattoo was again, faded/missing. I wish I could make this into a dream sign so I would go lucid -___-) I was searching for my keys, when I realized I did not have my wallet on me, so I had been driving without a license. These three girls were leaving also, and saw my expression on my face I suppose and had commented that it looked like I lost something. I explained it to them, and they offered my a ride home and that I could just pick up my car the next day from work when I had my license. When we arrived, they got out of the car as well and decided to stay and hang out. We had walked around by some river and such, talking.

      The next thing I remember, I was with one of the girls in my bathroom having just gotten done showering. We were flirting, and the next thing I remember is we are both naked, and we started to fool around. We migrated to my bed, where I slept with her. After that, it was morning again in my dream, and we were walking along the same river. This guy had come by and all of a sudden I started fighting him. I had fallen back into the river, and he had dove after me. We fought under water, and after I knocked him unconscious, I had found level footing and climbed out of the river and met back up with the group of girls.

      Apparently the girl I bedded in the dream had gotten pregnant by me? Then I woke up.

      Also, at some point earlier in the dream when I had gotten to the job or at the mall or something, I had some gay microphone tattoo'd around my wrist area on my left arm. It had upset me in the dream because I remembered what I had planned for that whole arm, and the positioning of it on my arm in the dream made it so my original idea would never work.

      Updated 07-09-2012 at 05:29 AM by 56194

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Portal

      by , 07-06-2012 at 08:17 PM (The Persistence of Dreams)

      Updated 07-24-2012 at 03:04 AM by 56194

      Tags: portal
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Weird Feelings

      by , 07-04-2012 at 03:29 PM (The Persistence of Dreams)
      I figured I would make note of the weird feelings I had last night before I drifted away into being asleep. While the night before last, I had almost successfully achieved a WILD without doing a WBTB or anything of the sort (Until my dog in my room started to go crazy about something outside...). That boosted my confidence greatly into the hopes that I will be able to successfully achieve lucidity by this method, as well as hopefully mastering it and using it to practice/experience OBEs and APs, which I am also greatly interested in.

      I am writing this however due to my experience last night. To start, I drink a few blends of herbal teas that I make up myself. For night time to help myself not get up as often and to at least have a restful sleep (Thats the main problem with crohn's...) I make a brew of Mugwort tea, with some peppermint, rosemary, and mullien. Most of those are used to help relax the body, as I have read Mugwort helps with dreams and such, I do not ingest it for that reason. I also cannot for sure say if it has had any effect on my dreaming ability or recall. I can say it has not helped me achieve lucidity though, but that could just be because of my failed techniques..

      However last night, I was going through my usual motions. I had laid down into my bed, on my back, the palms of my hands faced down by my side, with my mouth slightly open to breathe through. I took a few deep breaths, and then went into the motion of willingly not breathing. I only do this for a few seconds until I feel my body relax, and then I move into breathing exercises to replicate sleep. As I'm laying there relaxing, the usual HIs, bright lights, and this weird beeping noise (has to be in my head as there was no noise throughout the night except my breathing) began to encompass my 'vision'. As I was drifting deeper and deeper into this relaxed state (and what I was hoping would trigger SP and then a LD..)I started having the heavy vibrations and I suddenly felt like my arms were moving around. Even scratching small itches that I had around my face, but my arms remained by my side. It was such a surreal feeling, that I felt like I was closer to an OBE than I was to an LD.
      memorable , side notes
    4. No Pants!

      by , 07-03-2012 at 12:57 PM (The Persistence of Dreams)

      The shop was in some random place, almost seemed like a church or inside a Mall. D was staying a bit late after work and I had stopped by. I had decided to stay around until he had left the shop. He had greeted me, and he was waiting on G to come pick him up. He was dressed in a leather jacket and had some sunglasses on, and while he was waiting on her, he sat down with me and decided to talk. I (think) I had talked to him about him taking me on as an apprentice. While we were talking however, some other people started showing up, and just being assholes. One guy had punched this other kid in the face, and some other stuff. Then I had gone inside some other room with him, while he was waiting outside. I don't know what I was doing in this room, I could have been drawing, or cutting something. However, there was Billy (Someone I had worked with previously, I don't know him that well though), and a few girls and such around the room talking and doing their own thing. This one guy who was sort of built and seemed to be the head of the 'gang' that was causing the annoyances around the area decided to start messing with D. Taking his sunglasses and putting them on, then saying some weird names. D just looked at him with an evil eye and while the guy was egging him on, I had made a smart comment (Something like, you might not want to do that or something) and this random guy beside me started trash talking me. Said something about my facial hair not being grown in all the way and shit, while he was perfectly clean shaven. (This is when Billy appeared) So I politely, but in a smart matter said "Well this is a 4 day growth, how well can you get a beard started?" The guy said it was bullshit and there was no way I had that much facial hair within 4 days, which is when I turned to Billy who also has a lot of facial hair and it grows in pretty fast as well. I had asked him if it was possible and how fast his current facial hair had grown in. He also claimed 4 days, and smiled a big smile. D did end up knocking the dude who was messing with him in the Jaw.

      After leaving the shop and all, I had suddenly appeared in a car on the way to some factory or something. It was by a KFC and a lot of people were harvesting trash and such. While I was in the car, a guy who was named Louis was talking with his wife up a ways, but I could hear them faintly. She had driven off, and he had a baby in his arms. He was walking toward me. When he had gotten to the car, he had asked me if I could watch his baby for him while he went to go talk to his boss about taking the day off and such (something about his wife and baby drama). I said sure, and he had placed it into the seat next to me. The baby was caramel colored and had dreadlocks, which was quite strange because it only appeared to be a few months old, or even a year. So as I'm watching this child and tickling it, I realize I don't have pants (It could be because I had removed them in waking life before going to sleep...) So I cranked up the truck and had driven off with the baby to my house to get some pants. As I had made it home, my house was quite different than the one I was living in. I had woken up in my bed (in the dream, false awakening maybe?) next to the mystery woman. She and my mother (who appeared in her late 60s or so...) started asking me why the hell I had a baby in the truck and why I didn't bring him inside. I had said that I forgot I even brought a baby with me, and all that stuff. The mystery woman started saying things in Spanish and English (was hard to follow, but I seemed to understand... Also, the only way I'll put this side note, is that I had a very 'nice' feeling to hearing the Spanglish to put it mildly). I had told them that I had hurried home to put some pants on because I had woken up earlier to go to work on time. Turns out it was my first time on the job, so I didn't even know where to clock in or anything, so I ended up running back home and getting some pants. I had again left for work after the mystery woman getting me some pants and went to let Louis know the baby is at my house until he gets off of work because he will need his job in order to support the baby. Then I had woken up.

      Updated 07-24-2012 at 03:01 AM by 56194

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , side notes
    5. Tobacco Party

      by , 07-02-2012 at 08:01 PM (The Persistence of Dreams)
      Date: 07/02/2012

      I had a dream of being at my friend Kyle's house. There was a party that was somehow going on around his neighborhood. As I had woken up in his house (I stayed the night last night) he had a pack of cigarettes (didn't have any last night in waking life) and his mother had a pack (she doesnt smoke at all...). She had a pack of Marlboro Golds, and he had a pack of Parliaments I think... They offered me one, and I declined. Though as I went into his room to get my pipe tobacco that I had brought over, It became lost. I had my pipe, but Kyle said I never brought the tobacco over. As I left his room and went past the kitchen, his Aunt Lenore, and his Grandma (Who is dead) were in there making food for the party. I had eaten some chocolate chip cookies, and had taken some that were in the shape of a teddybear and some were in the shape of Boo, from Mario. Someone had asked me where all the cookies had gone, and I had given them the rest of mine. I went back into Kyle's room, and he was on his couch with another friend of his (I don't know this friend). They were both on Laptops (Kyle doesn't own a laptop), smoking cigarettes. I had put my hand in my pocket, and I picked up a cigarette and I ended up rolling it between my fingers and taking the filter out.

      The party was very weird. There was A LOT of people. I'm suprised that many people fit into the room. They all started dancing to some hip-hop song that came on some radio that echoed throughout the house. I stepped outside, and I was suddenly transported into this like, Castle in the sky. There was a woman dressed up in black who was fighting some people. She had gotten some call and was told to exit the castle due to explosives or something that were placed inside. As she busted out of a stain glass window, she took flight on a transparent hang-glider. They people she was fighting had started to fire at her, and (I think) her hang-glider had gotten a hole in it. She had flown over Kyle's house as I was looking up in the sky, and probably landed somewhere up the street. I had asked Kyle to come with me to find it, but he had declined and thought I was making it up.

      Date: 07/02/2012

      I was in the bathroom at Kyle's house also (Might have been a seperate dream), and I had looked in the mirror and my plug size was bigger (and missing) from my ear lobes. Very abnormal.

      Updated 07-02-2012 at 10:32 PM by 56194

      side notes , non-lucid , memorable
    6. Meteor 6/30/12

      by , 07-01-2012 at 01:05 AM (The Persistence of Dreams)
      Okay, so this is pretty much copied from my Notepad that I had originally written it up on. It was straight from my memory after I had some time to sort of think about it. There were parts that I vaguely remember, but I chose not to write down because I was unsure whether I truely 'remembered' it as part of the dream. Anyways:

      I was at some repeated party. The same girl who I keep seeing in my dreams
      but having never seen her before in my life was there. At each of these parties, we had
      gotten intimate in some way, I'm not sure how. I remember we kissed a few times, and we had a few deep talks that I don't remember but I felt extremely connected with this person. I was on a couch in a room, she was on the other side and I was in deep thought about
      her and her motives (I think, or I was somehow just out of it or something). Her friends started quizzing me on stuff. Started to ask me what all I have done.. , someone said I was just "really quiet"
      The girl kept looking over at me, in a shy kind of manner but also concerned. I had gone out for a smoke
      (I thought I quit cigarettes?) and she had gotten up too and said something.... what was it? ...I don't remember right now, but
      I told her to join me outside. So we went outside, down the porch and some stairs and all of a sudden there is
      Police cars, helicopters, fire fighters... Apparently a meteor or something fell from the sky and had struck some tower that was going to spread radiation (Radiation causes cancer was somewhat mentioned..) to the surrounding areas. I looked up at the sky, and she grabbed my hand
      Our fingers interlocked, and I had this feeling of warmth, of love, of like I had known her forever and that she was 'the one'...
      A big piece of debri had broken off somehow and slung toward us. A second later she was crunched up between two pieces. I had screamed "No!" and I had moved the big piece off of her. She was actually unscathed, because of how the debri was shaped somehow...
      I told her I would never let her go...

      I still don't really know who this chick is and I've seen her in a good handful of dreams. I've NEVER seen her in my waking life, period. While I've read that your brain remembers people that you normally don't on a subconscious level, and that entities/people in your dream can be a big jumble of people from your subconscious... I do not feel this is the case. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I have never seen anyone like this person.

      Updated 07-14-2012 at 04:16 PM by 56194

      non-lucid , memorable