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    The Many Worlds of Pendantocrates

    Samurai/Restaurantuer Battle

    by , 12-24-2011 at 03:39 PM (284 Views)
    My family and I were canoeing around, looking for something, in a swamp in Asia. Standing on a wooden platform was someone dressed in a long samurai coat and big broad hat, blending in with the boggy surroundings. Someone noticed him, but it was too late. As we passed, the samurai latched onto the boat and attacked us.

    * * *

    My family and I were in a big green park, with a bench. I knew I had to find the man who attacked us, so I went out on my own. Apprantly, he was now the owner of a restaurant with a French name, something about prized goats (I speak French). I went to the restaurant, and found him there. His waiters were constantly bending over the table and placing silver platters on it, and the table very much resembled that of my dining room at home. I attacked the samurai/restauranteur and got him in some sort of special hold, traumatizing him while repeating the command that he would only serve on customer: my little sister. He became catatonic or entered some frozen state, and I knew he would stay that way forever unless my sister showed up at the restaurant.

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    non-lucid , dream fragment
