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    1. Short Dreams

      by , 04-27-2012 at 04:33 AM
      It was actually a fencing match, but my dream brain wrote tennis. I was facing an opponent in a "fencing" match, but we actually just had jump ropes. The objective was to hit each limb of the opponent. It was difficult, and at one point he tripped me accidentally and was waiting for me to get up. I faked some injury, and then got all four of his limbs while pretending to flail. As I got up, he realized he had fallen for it, shook my hand, and bowed towards the crowd, which was ritual for the loser. The crowd had no idea what had happened and were silent. Suddenly the announcer figured it out, and the crowd got pretty excited for seeing a strange victory.

      Party Time
      There is a party in real life that is planned that myself and a bunch of friends are going to. I had a dream that this party was happening, and only 4 of us had shown up. It was really boring, since the entire time we were just waiting for more people to show up. We couldn't start drinking until so-and-so was there, etc. It wasn't a very fun party, because we all just fell asleep in weird places. I passed out on the stairs waiting.

      Biker Flips
      I was watching a video of some Native American bicyclists that were biking legally on a road. They did not have helmets on. They were looking backwards at some cop cars that were coming towards them. Apparently the cops were really unhappy they were on the road. The cops began doing whatever they possibly could to flip the bikers off of their bikes. It was horrific, and for some of the crashes I had a hard time believing anyone could survive. It was horrible. Not a good dream at all.
    2. Nothing to recall

      by , 04-26-2012 at 12:15 AM
      No recall last night.
    3. Fragments

      by , 04-25-2012 at 01:37 AM
      As it's my birthday, I happened to have a bit too much to drink last night. I didn't recall much of my dreams, and it was mostly just tiny fragments.

      -Something about Dr. Evil with Miny Me in disguise. Not sure what they were attempting to do.
      -My dad was upset about the wait at my favorite mexican restaurant, and wanted Burger King instead?
      -At Nationals for collegiate volleyball. Something negative had happened and I woke up in a bad mood from it.
      -I was a part of a massive shootout. It was very video-game-esque. There was only one other on my side and we ended up cornered in a bathroom.

      Not too horrible for a night short on sleep with a little too much alcohol in my brain. Better luck tonigh.
      Tags: drunk dreams
    4. Y'all are a bunch of cake eaters!

      by , 04-24-2012 at 01:48 AM
      This was a night of some strange dreams/fragments. No lucids, unfortunately.

      Dream 1
      I was at some fancy french restaurant with A. We had already eaten dinner and had our deserts set in front of us. We were there with a few others, but were all waiting for someone to return from the bathroom before we could continue eating. They were taking a while and I was getting bored, so I stuck my knife into the candle on the table to heat it up. I then used the hot knife to melt the banana sunday in front of me. It was the banana that I was melting. A then told me to stop since that knife was probably worth more than I could ever afford to replace. I cleaned the knife on my napkin and set it down. Somebody came up to our table and started yelling that "y'all are a bunch of cake eaters!" and just kept shouting. I had the impression she was of "lower class" and was upset at the upper class people? I was complete out of place, since I was an invited guest of some of the others we were with, and could never afford the meal on my own. It was strange. The dream faded about this time.

      Dream 2
      I was at a Milwaukee Brewer baseball game. I was there with my brother, T, and my dad. The game hadn't even started yet and there was some raffle to decide who would get to go on field for something. I wasn't paying attention, and never found out what it was for, but my seat was the one that was called. The rest of my dream was just trying to fight through the crowds of people and get from my nosebleed seat all the way to the field. The dream faded as I was about to step on field.

      Dream 3
      A very vocal, jersey shore-like New Yorker was yelling about being a vegetarian to me. I don't know what he was so upset about, so I naturally apologized. He then made it clear that he was a vegetarian because he only ate red meat. I laughed, but stopped as quickly as I could, because he was clearly insulted. I apologized and went on my way. There was a truck that was making a delivery to the grocery store I was going into that said "Red Meats Only Truck" on the side. The letters were made up of sausage links. I went into the grocery store with A.

      We had my dog, Zeya, with us for some reason. She was wrapped in a blanket like a baby. A was carrying her for a while but then decided she had to go somewhere. I can't remember if it was the bathroom or not. So I then was walking around, grocery shopping, while holding my dog like a baby on my own. People kept coming up and taking pictures because "it's just too damn cute." There were some famous people there as well that were approaching me asking to have their photo taken with me and my dog. I was genuinely confused as to why George Foreman wanted a picture with me and my dog, but I of course allowed him. It was incredibly strange, and I just wanted A to come back so I didn't feel so awkward. I woke up before she got back from wherever she was.

      An interesting night. There's some more illegible chicken scratch in my dream journal. I will edit this entry if I figure out what I was trying to write in the dark at 3:13 AM.
    5. A Little WILD - Lucid Cloning

      by , 04-22-2012 at 05:44 PM
      I decided 2 days ago to get back into lucid dreaming. I've been out of it for about four years, so my dream recall and frequency of lucid dreams had diminished quite a bit. Now that I'm out of the dorms and have a quiet room, I decided to start up again.

      So, I decided to attempt a WILD. I had only once before achieved WILD's, but I figured I might as well try every night to get better, and maybe I'll have some luck within a few weeks.

      Well, I somehow succeeded on the first night/morning I tried. I set a vibrating alarm (don't want to wake the girlfriend) to wake me up at 5:13 AM. I woke up and went to the bathroom, came back to bed and surfed the web on my phone for 5 minutes to wake my brain up enough before attempting to WILD. I always have had a problem passing out too quickly, instead of holding on to consciousness and easing into lucidity.

      So I started out on my back, and counted slowly, alternating numbers with "I am dreaming." After a half hour, I rolled to my side to get more comfortable, and started over. After no success in an additional 30 minutes, I rolled to my other side and decided to give up. So I had stopped counting, but I managed to hold onto my conscious awareness while letting my thoughts float around. After a few minutes, I felt a small tingling sensation across my body, and no longer felt tired. I plugged my nose and discovered I was dreaming. The transition was seamless, whereas the only other time I had success, it was almost violent.

      So, onto the dream (This green is lucid):

      I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom. My apartment didn't have any strange appearances, and the dream was pretty stable already. I looked at myself in the mirror. The only strange thing was I wasn't wearing a shirt, and I looked more muscular. I guess my subconscious was trying to flatter myself. I tried to think of what my lucid goals were, but couldn't remember any. I decided to try and clone myself to see what would happen. It was strange. I felt my body splitting apart, starting at the head and going down. Suddenly there was a pop and a second "me" was standing right in front of me. Second-me slowly started to morph into a friend of mine, who we will call R. R started to laugh in a maniacal way which creeped me out. I turned and walked away.

      I flew through the ceiling and out onto the roof of my apartment. Looking at the starry sky, I decided to fly towards some. There was a specific grouping in the distance right about the horizon that looked interesting. As I flew towards them, I realized they weren't stars, and were in fact, lights from a skyscraper. I had made it into the downtown of some dream city. I flew around for a short while. I was showing off how I could fly to some DC's when
      my girlfriend rolled over pulling the sheets, waking me up. I didn't fully awake, but enough to become conscious of my dogs snoring. I held onto awareness, and drifted back into a dream.

      When the blackness of being awake faded away, I was sitting on a chair in my living room. A lot of my parents family friends were present, and there was some party going on. I chatted with a few people, and got bored. I went to my computer to see if I could somehow look up what my dream goals were, thinking maybe my subconscious could show it to me. Loading DV was pretty funny, and I never was able to view my goals. I decided to go outside and explore instead. I flew out my window.

      Outside it was dawn, and overcast out. There was a light drizzle. I decided to change that and waved my hand to push the clouds out of the way. I then pulled the sun up to the middle of the sky so it was mid-day. I rubbed my hands together to stabilize the dream a little bit more, but it seemed to be as stable as it would get.

      I started walking down my alleyway, only to find it was now a path/trail of some kind. I encountered a friend, called EB, and said hello. EB made some snarky response and I made a stupid "your mom" joke. He then continued talking to who he originally was. I then ran into two more of my friends, FN and JA. They were both eating Taco Johns. I said, "Hey guys, do you know that right now I'm dreaming?" They both laughed and gave me a response I was not expecting: "Yes. What do you think, that we're idiots?" I found it incredibly strange they responded in that way. Normally, DC's always try to convince me otherwise, and sometimes succeed. My subconscious was being kind.

      I asked if I could eat some of their food, to which they responded, "Go ahead. Dream calories don't count anyways." I laughed and ate. We then began to walk down the path. There was a large group of girl scouts (hundreds) that were taking up the entire path so we had to sit and wait for them to go by so we could continue walking. For some reason, we were walking to a movie theater. I can't remember why.

      At this point a cat jumped on my chest in waking life. It was time for them to be fed.

      The total time I was dreaming was approximately 29 minutes. So I had achieved my goal of staying lucid for more than 20 minutes! Time for me to add the task of the month/year to that list.

      Dream Vividness: 3/5 (Some things were pretty hazy)
      Lucidity Level: 3/5 (There were times where I almost lost lucidity due to boring conversations with family friends, etc)

      I'm pretty satisfied with that as my first night back. We'll see if I can mange to do it again tonight.
      lucid , false awakening