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    11-28-05 - Giving a Hand!

    by , 08-04-2010 at 05:18 PM (317 Views)
    [size=18]11-28-05 - Giving a Hand!

    This was a quick lucid moment this morning but I remember this girl and myself were put on this ride. Some sort of tunnel contraption where you go backwards etc. I don't remember feeling scared but the girl next to me was terrified. She acted like we were being punished or tortured. Well I instantly new that this was a dream and wanted to show her how to get out of the situation. I said "look we can get out of this real easy, this isn't real! Follow me!" So I pulled us out of the pod thing that held us, and grabbed a bar and pulled my self to the platform. She followed me and was very relieved. I said look if this was real could I do this...I jumped in the air and floated at that time I was waking up!

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