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    Nov 2, 2010, Dream Journal 001

    by , 11-03-2010 at 07:32 PM (368 Views)
    Grey = AWAKE Green = NL

    So last night, I decided to try the WBTB method by drinking a few large glasses of water before bed. I woke up around 2:30, went to the bathroom, and tried to have my first lucid dream telling myself over and over I'd notice my dream, and take control as I fell asleep. I start the dream in my house, and realize that my brother and a few people I'm 'friendly' with at school are getting ready for a sweet 16. I run upstairs, and next thing I know it, I'm walking out to the car, which happens to be located in the middle of the road (should have done a reality check, but didn't). My brother told a girl I don't know, me, and a couple friends he'd promised to drive. The girl and I got in, but as I opened the door the car was accelerating, and when I managed to step on the car was going much more than 80mph. I was flipping out and apologizing to people through texts (which every time I looked to and from them, they changed, another reality check should have made me lucid) telling them I'm very sorry for what happened and that I'll make it up to them. We passed a restaurant that I like a lot, and a few of my friends who have never even heard of each other were eating a deer. Like a whole deer (should have done another reality check). We got to the party, and the entire place seems like one of those farms that you got pumpkins from when you were a child. This part was VERY vivid. There were bails of hay everywhere, the sky was a light gray and cloudy, I even felt the wind! My brother looked towards the yellow barn (perfect time for reality check) and told me this party was going to be beat. We walk in, and I see plenty of friends, and everyone seems to be having a good time. I walked into a room to get a drink, and they had some kind of solid substance, like jelly, that you had to shake in water to make a coke. After I made mine, I wanted to put orange soda in mine for some reason, but my history teacher walked in and told me it was illegal, So I just stuck with my coke.
    Then, I woke up to my alarm, annoyed that I hadn't done one reality check

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