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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. Some weird stuff/fragments.

      by , 08-14-2010 at 04:39 PM
      Well I don't really remember much

      Anyways, I don't talk to my dad but I saw him in my dream and we were getting along really well and it felt so genuine and real until I like woke up and realized it was a dream.

      I went back to sleep and then here is another fragment I was at the backyard of my moms friends house and I was running in my underwear (my dad wasn't in here anymore) and then I was flying upwards and I was like woohoo I already knew it was a dream and I was very lucid, the dream was very detailed, I was examining every single detail from left to right but it was kind of hard to keep it going, then I flew down into some persons house and there was a witch there.

      Then like in this show called Charmed my favorite show she was trying to throw an energy ball while I was up in the air near the celling of the house and I yelled 'energy ball' and it orbed into my hand (these are charmed terms btw) and I threw it back at her and it didn't hit her so we kept this going for like 4 times until somehow I lost control and I flew out of the house onto the floor.

      Next, I really have no clue what this was about, I don't know if I was lucid or not but I was trying to control the dream, it worked very well on many levels to say the least, far better than any other dream I've had so far. Basically it was me and my cousin sort of again, her name is Suzy, she was in one of my last dreams if you remember. I guess this was like some sequel to that dream, and like it was her friend Rat, and I remember we were in the mall, me and Rat, and like I kept trying to find her and yell for her but she wouldn't come so I said a spell from charmed (similar to the spell 'to call a lost witch') and from the top floor of the mall (the mall was really big and distorted in my dream) she vanished in like a wind spiral and came down in front of me, which I was like FUCK YEAH I CAN FINALLY DO SPELLS IN MY DREAMS (this is a BIG accomplishment for me it actually helps me control my dreams better and more detailed)

      So then we were walking down this escaltor which was really weird because it was like going up and down at the same time, impossible architecture maybe? then we finally went up for one last time and went out, I don't know where we went but we were basically hiding behind these cars in a parking lot with a bunch of people trying to shoot at us (ala Inception) and I said another spell, something like make me invincible blah blah and it rhymed but not too well, it's funny in my dreams I have a much more fluid vocabulary and easier to make rhyming spells, anyways after I said it, Rat was already gone, and I was like haha I'm invincible you can't hurt me, so I was just walking while they were shooting at me, which was another big accomplishment because usually by this point I lose some sort of faith and they manage to shoot me and I wake up or something, and btw this was all at night time, and while i went all the way in the parking lot I reached Target, and it was already day time, and then I was looking for Tristan and Anthony (anthony was also in another one of my dreams if you read my first DJ), and then they were behind me and there was a bunch of teen gangster around me trying to shoot me, and they tried to shoot me as I was walking in target and it went through me and I was like haha missed me or something and we went in, and they were all surprised and I was like 'Tristan, your comin with me' 'you too Anthony' and I guess I was trying to gather up some sort of army or something to do Time Travel as far as I remember, and then as we were walking down the aisles Anthony asked me a question I forgot what, and I completely lost lucidity and woke up.

      The end. Trust me this is all I could remember now it's been 3 hours, I know there was WAY WAY more fun stuff see you next in the next dream!
    2. My first dream journal :) very fun!

      by , 08-12-2010 at 02:32 PM
      Ok so i don't forget it I'm going to write whatever I could remember quick.

      There was this game we were playing with a giant jabba the hut like frog, in a forest grassy like place but it was big and wide and it resembled the corner part of a ralphs next to my house (this is the end of my dream that I remember, there was also another place but I forgot where it was), and it had the intersection of a vertical street next to my old school and the gate at the side was just like my old school, and the horizontal street was the street in front of the ralphs, and the houses were the exact same but the street posts were a bit more elegant.

      Ok the game was like, there was a bunch of big tree branches, huge and long and one of them was enchanted and you had to kill jabba with it, I had 4 other friends with me, one of them was clearly my cousin, the other one I sort of remember which was my cousins friend, and 2 other people I forgot, all together it was 2 boys and 2 girls (my cousin is the girl), plus me (so 5 people).

      Jabba also had 4 guards, 2 knights and 2 ogre like monsters, and you couldn't kill them unless you had these 4 knight swords, the knight swords were supposed to be used by my 4 friends, and I was supposed to use the enchanted tree branch against jabba which would finish the game (but usually the game just started over lulz, how fun).

      Here are some of the mechanics like, jabba was invisible for one thing, he would jump around places all around us and we couldn't even find the enchanted stick, at least I couldn't, and his knights/ogres weren't helping much either, since they couldn't die, so it was beginning to piss me off, and before this game (the last one before I woke up), I had already somehow gotten to hit jabba enough times with the enchanted stick that the gate opened and I followed the road (which was an exact copy of the streets around my house) towards this place that had like a little monument, small, with 4 swords, and I got them and ran back to my friends, gave it to them and they killed the knights, then I took the enchanted stick and hit jabba for one last time and killed him winning the game until my dream restarted lol, my and my friends had some chit chat also.

      Ok so this last one before I woke up, jabba was more invisible and he kept taunting me saying oh you can't catch me blah blah blah and for some reason I was blind and I was using my 'inner memory' of the surroundings (basically my memory of the dream itself) and I created some 6th sense surrounding, it was cool as fuck, but I had an extremely hard time getting to do anything and jabba and his knights were beginning to creep me and my friends out and we kept on going like omg what are we going to do but his knights didn't do much since they weren't what my dream was really focusing on.

      Ok, after spinning around with random sticks that weren't enchanted with my 6th sense vision that was basically a black n white contrast view of my dream, I finally got my normal vision back and I got so pissed that I ran out the gate (which already had a nice lot of spectators watching our little game), and I saw one of my friends who is asian and her name is min jin and I clearly remember it was her, and I told her to hold my hand and strut on the street saying we're going to go get the swords anyway because I was pissed, but then I don't know what happened and I woke up and was pissed so I fell back asleep and I was at the same exact place with no change, except it was like I fell out of my dream and it continued without me.

      I saw my friend min jin outside the gate and a couple other people which I remember one is another one of my cousins friends, one is the friend that was part of our group (the 4 people) and min jin coming back with plastic bags of swords, and it seemed to me that those swords were all fake except the last person had the real crystal swords (which I had described in my dream to myself earlier so I basically conjured up a better defined sword), and I was like yes woohoo, so I ran back to my cousin and told her we got the swords, but then I looked around and saw on all of those elegant light posts/street posts there were 2 sort of slots like the ones you have on things that have swords in places idk, and they all had swords in them and I was like shit all that trouble (but it was funny oh well) and for some reason I went around instead of going and finishing my dream/game and crossed the street to the other side with one of the elegant street posts and I clearly remember the street name was green and said 'Verdugo' (but it wasn't right lol) and I tried to climb up but it was too high and long and then I heard my cousin go 'careful that's not our property you might get arrested or something there is a cop here' oh and btw there was also a stupid cop watching us as well and I saw his big long motorcycle that I tried to jack but it was too big for me to ride, and I was scared he might see me trying to take a sword out of someone else's 'property' (supposedly) and arrest me, so I went and waited in front of the sidewalk like a good pedestrian, so I don't get run over lol and I looked to both my sides (except my left side wasn't too clear there was a big car on that side that sort of blurred the view from the left) (oh and it was a nice cadillac if that makes a different, a big black cadillac) so I couldn't really see very well but the right side I could see well like 2 blocks, but cars kept passing so I was scared to pass but then it seemed open to me at some point so I passed and then the rest I don't really remember, but I do remember waking up after that....

      ....did I get run over at the end of my dream? I didn't even get to kill jabba and his knights, damn it, all that trouble for nothing! But it was a very fun dream and my dreams are always fun and exciting like this so I'm going to post them here from now on each day so I don't forget Hope you guys liked it lol! Hope it wasn't too boring, oh if I was a good drawer I would probably draw up some illustrations of it as well, heck, make a movie!

      Also keep in mind I never actually saw jabba, it's very weird, it's like my mind thought of him subconsciously, made me think of him consciously (conscious in dream rules or something), but with sight I never saw him, but I heard him talk to me and I guess I created a mental image of him within my dream (even though the whole thing is mentally created...) err :O! I'm only a teen by the way, I don't know much about this stuff, but my dreams are usually long and fun I don't even have to be lucid for something to happen or change, it's weird but I'm sure I'm not the only one who can do that lol.

      Also some illustrations:

      Also if you had ever played KH2, the knights (and the swords stand kind of) in my dream looked EXACTLY like the ones in KH2 beast's castle in the hallways and stuff, (before they transform into like heartless lol). I can't find a picture from google so sorry but if you do play the game or seen it whatever then you would imagine !

      Edit: I'm going to write their names down so I don't forget (surprised I haven't forgot by this point): Suzy, Emin, Anthony, Yohans, Min Jin.

      Updated 08-12-2010 at 05:42 PM by 35232

      non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment