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    The Scythe

    by , 11-17-2010 at 10:34 AM (352 Views)
    This is my first lucid dream post.

    Last night I entered a dream consciously from sleep paralysis. I was laying on my side and remembered reading about hearing noises when going in from sleep paralysis. I heard a loud ringing noise and there was a lot of pressure on my body, and it went an almost dark for what seemed like a minute. Then I could start to make out images, and those images became a field. I was running with someone who I was competing with for some reason, and we were both holding a sickle in one hand. I was aware of them manipulating the sickle into a scythe and tried my hardest to do the same. It took me a lot of attempts of moving my hand really fast over the sickle and looking away repeatedly, but I managed to elongate the sickle into something similar to the other persons. It had a rubber grip on it with a black metal base and the blade part looked like chipped bone. Right before we joined a battle, I was holding the scythe op in the air, and then woke up. I've been remembering pieces of the dream all day.

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