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    Best lucid dream I've ever had (Life-like)

    by , 12-21-2015 at 06:59 PM (262 Views)
    Some backstory on why this is really memorable for me (Not important to the story): I have always drempt a lot. When I dream sometimes a wake up and go back to sleep and can have more. So most days i have 2-3 dreams that I remember. The quality of my dreams can be based off of how stressed I am. Stress affects my dreams an amazing amount. Since school has started all my dreams have been in grey scale and muddy, just vague figures onto of that I can only remember a couple seconds. Sadly most days I don't even get that, I just wake up. This has been my first dream in many weeks and it was the most vivid I have ever had. So for me, This is extremely memorable.

    Dream Starts here: I just had my best lucid dream yet and I need somewhere to put it down before I forget it. It all started at my Mom's house when I felt sleepy, I decided that I would lie down on the rug. I felt the roughness of the rug and I could tell from the way i was laying on it that my chest would feel pinched later. Then I was dreaming, So I must be having a WILD! I knew this was all a dream but it was so real that I wasn't 100% sure. I could feel my feet hitting the ground, which is something I have never felt before in a dream, so I wasn't sure (dumb me). I decided to go over to my friends house and maybe figure it out there. Everyone was acting how they should and I STILL couldn't tell if it was a dream or not. So me being the clever person I am I went off to find a book. Opened it up, memorized a line, closed it, open aaannndddd the page is the same. Second times the charm? Nope. Get frustrated and Look up from the book, everyone magically changed hairstyles and color. There I finally realized I was dreaming and being the dumb-dumb I am made everyone else lucid, cuz people share dreams telepathically right? Then I woke up at my DAD'S house. Very confused realized I dreamed going to sleep at my moms still mindfucked.
    TL;DR My dreams fuck with me so hard

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    lucid , memorable
