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    Meeting 2NE1

    by , 08-06-2012 at 07:44 PM (964 Views)
    I finally decided to make a DJ entry.....I want to try and make more entries of my dreams too soo..yeahh... ENJOY!!!!
    Me and my friend we're coming out of my apartment and we saw an Adidas van and in it was everyone from the new Adidas commercial w/ Nicki Minaj and Big Sean and there were extras as well.2NE1 was in the van because in the commercial there was a part where they were shown in Tokyo doing the dance to one of their songs. My friend and I walked over to our old bus stop and other people were there too. So we were just standing there, when I saw 2NE1 walking up my street. I said "Look there's 2NE1" but none of them heard me so I yelled "2NE1!!!" and the member Dara looked over at us and blew a kiss, then 2NE1 started walking over and everyone took their cameras out. Another member, Minzy said something to me, but I didn't understand because she was speaking Korean. But after that I gave her a hug and we took pictures That's all I really remember.

    This is the commercial. You see them at the part where it's in Tokyo.

    And for those who don't know 2NE1 is a Korean Pop group.

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    Updated 08-19-2019 at 09:26 PM by 56425

