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    1. April 19, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 05:10 AM
      Tiffani was at my parents house. Angel and I just pulled up. My dad's truck was 'pimped'. Tiffani comes on to me and kisses my neck when we hug after not seeing each other for a while. I then drive her home, but it's to a very large field that is all dirt with a few buildings in the distance. On the way over, I'm driving some sort of motor home. I see a white Ferrari on Sunnycrest and Chevron St. (Royal Oak).
    2. April 16, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 05:07 AM
      In a tent. Air Mattresses. Erin (sister). Tent switched to house with double shower.

      Getting plant back up on roof. Climbing tree to roof that says it can't hurt me. We don't get the plant back in time, so we run.
    3. April 15, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 05:05 AM
      Stairs/ balcony of a really old building

      Looking at 'black hole' in glass of window (but just distortion in glass).
    4. April 13, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 05:03 AM
      Me and Someone Else being held by someone (trapped). The man was trying to scare us. Rooms closed in on us a lot. Then he brought us to a room where we were supposed to watch a movie about a guy who had altimers. The other person I was with turned into Angel. We cuddled on the very big black couch while I played with an antique toy train. Then I don't remember how we got outside but I was skateboarding with Angel. After we were done skateboarding, Angel kicked her skateboard. I rolled in a curved right pattern hitting a couple cars. I ran for it but Connor got it (don't know who Connor is - dream character). He picked it up and handed it to me, and held out his had with change in it. it had two blue dimes. I then said that I only have seen a blude dime in my dreams, so I said we're dreaming. Se we all realized we were in my dream. Then Connor saw himself running with two girls inthe street making hour. He then said "I'm out." I said, "What's your name!?" "Connor!" Angel and Connor started laughing because one of the girls was a guy. "I'm out" meant he's gay. Then that's when I started spinning in the Lucid...

      Lucid for a couple minutes. I was dreaming that I was in a Lucid Dream by getting 2 dimes that were anodized blue, given to me by a guy named Connor that caught my skateboard. I then realized in the dream that I was dreaming, so I started spinning, along with Connor and Angel. Then we started running along side a building and I tried to fly, but my laws of physics still applied so I jumped, then floated down to my chest, then tried to have fun with Angel, but she was too sun burnt.
    5. April 12, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:53 AM
      Angel got in another accident - ran into someone from behind - silver Porsche (I think Beth was in the car). Porsche ran, we ran - we saw a wanted 800 # on TV for Angel. I asked her if she could have tried to stop harder, she said her sewing machine was in the back.
    6. April 9, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:34 AM
      Spray paint - Two black cans? Drugs, front porch - unknown house. The Treadway's with pig of neighbor - big girl, very rude. Wants to eat everything. She got a shirt for her birthday from her mom about swimming.

      Older black ladies arguing

      Checking out the inside of a house. Driving to there.

      Something about a fan - was quiet.
    7. April 8, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:28 AM
      Watching TV in lunch room after friend was getting sent to principles office, so next time he did, we all went and got food - teacher was Karen (boss from CAS)

      I had a white towel with me, we watched I Love Lucy, I was very outgoing.
      Tags: boss
    8. April 2, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:26 AM
      Angel upset at me - throwing someone else's wine glasses in a foreign house. I'm drinking wine from a beer bottle.

      At work, hanging ugly swimsuits. Erin (work Erin) was there.
      Tags: work
    9. April 1, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:25 AM
      Joe, Joe's friend, Joe's Mom - At old house track in Midway City, but streets going wrong way. Brought baseball stuff, and monofins in trashcan, but couldn't find mom's mit.

      Big bugs - getting stung by large wasp/bee. Trying to go to emergency room because of dad's allergies to bees - didn't know if I would be allergic.
      Tags: baseball, bee, house, wasp
    10. March 30, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:13 AM
      Took place in my old house. My fiance and I moved into a bad neighborhood (just happened to be my old house). And we had 3 younger people come up and say something to us, and I said "no, that's my mother in law." So I went outside. We got in a fight after we were looking for clues on some plants.

      I was in my old room with a woman, and a man jumped out of the window. The woman yelled "I'm glad your 'gone'-eria!"

      There is a party going on and this woman just got married to man. I didn't know them. They got married because someone else got married. Then I laid a very limp banana onto a tall white dresser. Lost top drawer. Then, because they got married, my fiance was asked by my cousin to be married, and she said yes. He had very large, defined abs, and he used to have a gut. I think it took place in a modified house of my grandparents. I felt betrayed and abandoned.

      Staying in a hotel or something. My sister, mom, dad, Kristen and Angel, and some guy are characters. Eventually end up at beach, and the guy that's been following us for Kristen's purse, finally catches up. Then he fights me. I end up getting Kristen's cell phone out of the bag and call 911 while I'm under water. Then swim down to a closet for air. (In my house, but it's Angel's apartment closet.)
      My mom walks in, I come out of the closet, and it's the hotel. My hotel room has a high window and there's a black cat on the to of the window.
    11. March 29, 2004

      by , 10-20-2011 at 04:00 AM
      First Dream in my Dream Journal

      - Tiffani (from college) sitting down on floor

      - Motorcycles