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    truly lucid(omg plz read and comment)

    by , 07-26-2012 at 03:54 PM (415 Views)
    i was in a drak room with my bro and we were sitting on my couch looking at a white wall then all of a sudden i was lucid i looked at him with excitment and i said dude were dreaming he said prove it so i saw it was dark and i yelled out like 10 time the word light and light filled the room then devon said its true and then the dream was so vivid i looked down the hall and the doors were so real looking then i walked over to an item and the dream started to fade but i remembered how to stabalize it so i rubber my hand and said im dreaming. then their was a scene change but i was still lucid but adri and some other girl was there i said to myself i want to fly so i layed on the floor and jpushed up with my hands and i was floating i floated out side and the wind i could feel it on my face and the sky was so vivid i tried to go up but i stopped i couldnt fly but right then i was ok with it so i floated on my back and floated over the grass but i started floating down to the grass and when i did i could fell the grass on my back the itching then i started flapping my arms to stay floating but i guess i got too excited beacause i woke up.

    i want to know how does a dream character beacome lucid and how did i plz comment. i had a lot of dream control so and it was so vivid so you can guess when i woke up i was very happy

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    lucid , memorable
