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    1. Saved by the Doctor

      by , 09-01-2011 at 03:46 AM
      It starts out mysterious like, as if it were actually an episode of Doctor Who (Google it). Charlie Sheen is in a straight jacket, several knifes barely sticking into is left shoulder. He gets pushed back towards this wall that opens up and tentacles come flailing out. Large metal spikes impale him. (Needless to say this is the last I saw of him.) I talk to my brother and we're both disappointed that Charlie Sheen was on Doctor. Suddenly we are actually in the show, inside of the TARDIS. I pick out some apple juice from the fridge. The Doctor goes investigating why the people in the town are acting strange. He hides in a ditch but gets caught. He's told that if they do something bad then they will get "fed" to something and if even one person leaves, the whole town and a three mile radius around it will fall into the ground. (There are no cars.) There are only 266 people living in the town so they can all fit in the TARDIS so the town wouldn't fall (logic- there is none). My best friend and I get trapped in a room full of tiny aliens like the one that killed Charlie Sheen. We're tied to a spinny chair, me sitting, her tied to the back. The tentacles are grabbing at us and I keep moving the chair so they won't stab us with their spikes. My main focus is to save her. The TARDIS arrives in the room and saves us from the tiny aliens.

      There's not really an ending. I woke up after that and got a huge cramp in my leg.
      non-lucid , memorable