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    Lucid nightmare?

    by , 07-04-2011 at 05:59 PM (495 Views)
    Before I begin this recall, I want to share that I am a weightlifter, and concluded that, this has something to do with the unfortunate events of the lucid dream. On my first attempt at trying to dream lucid, while being here, was successful, but I count this as a failure. Ok lets begin
    So I have awaken from a previous dream that I can no longer recall because my next two are much more interesting, however I will on give details about the lucid dream. Still tired, I decide to do a reality check. My first reality check is Completely closing my nose and proceeding to try to breath through it. My second reality check is motioning the nail of my index finger down my chest. Before the Lucid dream, I attempted this and rationalized that I was, infact, awake. Not even Two thoughts pass, and I initiate the two checks again, The first was a success as predicted, but then it begins. I put my hand under my chest to do the second check, but as I do, I feel something alarming! My chest is much bigger than it should be, and it's not even muscle. I get up from my bed to look in the mirror, and low and behold, I am now a woman. WTF! I remember the concept dream control, and try to apply that in this situation, turning myself into a boy yet again so I can finally begin my journey, but to no avail was I successful. I then tried to then spawn zombies and snipers in my dream, but alas, another failure. So I already give up on this dream and go to the living room to watch some dream tv waiting for this catastrophe to be over, and maybe I can create some hilarious shows, atleast..... nope. Every show I turn to is just a warped version of a tv show created in the real world. As I flip the channels, depressed, I notice my brother and sisters continuously walking from my mothers room where the baby is, back to either my room or my brothers. But whatever, then my brother comes up to me and demands me to tell my BOYFRIEND to stop knocking on his window so he can let him in... double WTF!! I am now disgusted and utterly disappointed in what lucid dreaming can produce. I didn't evenget to attempt to fly, or teleport, or just have fun, just because this dream began on a bad note.
    So I woke up and immediately realized why I was a girl in my dream. Before I went to sleep, I went to the gym. I noticed first that; My pecks were getting bigger. So much so, that if I pushed my arms together, the would look like boobs...... lol, don't judge me. But anyways, the second thing I noticed, was my bum got bigger too. So I guess that transfered and transformed who I was in my lucid dream..... BOOO, that sucked.

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    lucid , nightmare , memorable


    1. Solarflare's Avatar

      don't get discouraged, many peoples first lucid dreams are.... well... awkward, i couldn't practice anything in my first lucid dream and had NO dream control