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    1. July 29 2012 -=First Lucid Dream!=- |Entry No. 3|

      by , 07-30-2012 at 07:00 PM
      Opening Statements
      Huzzah!!! I've made serious headway, and i'm now capable of having lucid dreams!

      Black = Dreaming
      Blue = Aware That I'm Dreaming
      Green = Lucid

      I was in my neighboors backyard, but i was roughly 8 to 10 years old. I suddenly seemed to be on fire, even though there weren't any flames, so I rolled around on the ground to put it out. When I finally got up, I was back to my original age, and there was cotten and ash spewed all over where I rolled. My mom was now there, and she said I did a good job. I thanked her, but then, I started thinking, "Wait a second... I know how these dreams play out!" and then, I was lucid. I stopped myself from getting excited, looked at my hands and said: "Stabalize Lucidity!", I then noticed my mom was talking about something. I tried numerous times to get her attention, and after about six times she finally stopped talking. "Mom, this is a dream!" I exclaimed. She gasped excitedly and asked what the first thing we should do was. I told her how to stabalize the dream, then thought about other methods of stabalization. That was a big mistake, for as soon as I did that I started to lose grasp on te dream. I was about to use a method for getting it back but I had already woken up.

      Ending Comments
      Despite the rather dissapointing awakening, this was my first actual lucid, so I'm alright with that. Because I've actually had a lucid now, it's time to set up some goals, so be ready to see them next entry, cheers!
      Tags: realumpco
      lucid , memorable