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    Beautiful Picked Notes

    My dream recall took some sort of a shitdive a month ago, so I decided to get back here to start a DJ again. I've been here long ago under a different name, but that's not really of so much importance now.
    My dreams are rather ordinary, there's no slaughtering civilians or defending the world from an evil overlord type situations arising really. I don't have nightmares very often either. You'll see.

    1. Hi Guys.

      by , 03-28-2014 at 04:55 PM (Beautiful Picked Notes)
      So yeah, I kinda decided to start keeping a dream journal again and because I always loved this community I found it's easily the best place to do that, especially since I kept one here already so... yeah.
      Long story short, I lost interest in my dreams for a much too long time but it just kinda came back and I wonder why it left me. So I kept a journal for the last three days again, here's what happened over the course of those nights.

      03/25/2014 - Trainrides

      Recall starts with my girlfriend and me being on a train ride to a destination that I'm almost certain was mentioned in the dream but I can't recall. In a small town about halfway from the RL smalltown that I live in to the next bigger city we get off the train to board another one. The train station huge and very neat looking, it has a nice hotel-like lobby and all which surprises us greatly because the RL building looks really, really busted from the outside. There is a third person with us that I can't recall. As we start walking through the train station it starts looking less and less elegant until its interior finally does resemble it's facade. We make our way back to the tracks to wait for a train. There is one that comes in very fast, switches tracks and drives a loop to go the other way without stopping. I lack a bit of recall between this scene and us boarding a train but remember being on one that's also going very, very fast. Recall leaves me before we arrive somewhere.

      03/27/2014 - Always Sunny

      I recall several dreams from this night, the first one being at some sort of sporting venue that at first seems like it's for swimming although I never got to see an actual pool... I'm on the bleachers with two friends of mine whom I cannot connect to any real people that I know. It suddenly turns out we're there to watch an Arena Football game with the Philadelphia Soul. All other people on the bleachers look very, very strange, anyone know the McPoyles from It's always Sunny in Philadelphia? Yeah, like that. To the left of us, some of them start shooting heroin and pass a needle to us. We want to pass it on but a small argument ensues when my friend and I both get scared we might accidentally puncture the other with it. As the game begins I hear a voiceover that goes on and on about how arena football was used for filming and for commercials because it's so badass. I find myself in the game now as me and all other players line up just in front of somebody who's about to throw the ball. Everybody runs downfield trying to catch it. I wind up with the ball, try to pass it back to a teammate but I fail. I fumble the ball but somehow yank it from somebody's hands to get it back. The scene resets, we're all standing in front of the passing guy again and I'm worried I might get a "misconduct" penalty because I curse so much. I don't get one, someone else does though. I'm wearing a gray sweater with the number 10 on it. The dream ends.

      The next one is about me and some friends, including Theresa, a girl I know in real life and Charlie Kelly from the aforementioned show It's always Sunny in Philadelphia. I'm walking through a city that I seemingly accept as my actual hometown although it looks nothing like it. There are tall buildings and a lot of bars and clubs. I meet up with the other guys at the university where we got done with some sort of obligation and agree to go to a "different bar than usual" now, everyone comes along except for Charlie who wants to do something else first and meet up with us later. This is the last time he appeared in the dream. We plan to go to an irish pub in which you can see the waiters doing weird dances on the tables from the outside but we get the wrong door and waltz into the wrong place, a place called "Snyder's" or something. We go down a flight of stairs before we realize our error and want to immediately leave but for some reason stay anyway. I'm missing quite a chunk here but I remember meeting another girl I know in real life in front of the toilet doors of that place. I went to highschool with her in real life and she also moved to the same town as me for college. We never had that much to do with each other though. In the dream she was with someone else from our highschool, I cannot remember who it was though and that person also seemed to take no interest in me at all. She hugged me very intimately and asked me a question that in hindsight I consider was probably pretty important in the context of the dream but I can't remember for the life of me. It was something about why I'm there or if it's only *something* that I'm there for. Really should have written that down first. I also miss a part right after this meeting that I know was there but the memory largely eludes me. We were suddenly speaking english (which is not my first language), talking about something we though was good but that turned out to "suck". Next thing I do remember more precisely is that we gathered around a table to eat some spices that I actually planted on my real life desk a few days ago, they tasted absolutely terrible which I sadly remember very, very well :<

      The last fragment I remember is of me walking along a country road approaching an autobahn onramp to my right. About 200 meters down the road there is a tunnel, the setting is very rural, there is a bit of a drop to the left of the road. I carry a heavy backpack and some other stuff. The autobahn sign reads "Cuxhaven" in its directions, which is the city I grew up close to; I sense that I'm on the right track. I slouch down from exhaustion next to the road and a girl passes me on foot as well. The setting suddenly changes here and I'm sitting in front of a McDonald's in a large commercial park. The sign includes some sort of advertisement for "Jelly Donuts". I go in because I seem to think I might be able to rent a car there. The smell of food and the menu pictures make me really hungry but I remember only having about 7 Euros with me anymore and knowing I had to hold that together. It then turns out you could actually rent cars there, outside of the restaurant there are some three-wheeled vehicles in the parking lot for rent and I overhear a conversation between a girl, which might be the one that passed me earlier, talking to the car rental guy as he estimates the distance to her direction somewhere in northern Germany to be around 10.000 Kilometers. He goes on to actually calculate the distance and comes up with 7.000.
      The last dream ends here and I wake up. My girlfriend is still lying next to me watching videos on her phone. I sit up and start writing down my dreams.

      That night, before I fell asleep I got really sad thinking about highschool and how I feel I missed out on fun I could have had because I didn't involve myself enough. I wasn't an outcast and didn't get bullied or something, it was just a bit laziness I guess so I didn't go out as much and my self-esteem could have been better I guess. I got pretty dense melancholy setting in when I thought back at those times 5 years ago and how easy life was, how free I was to live it and how that's gone forever. Hell, I'm getting a little sad just writing it down. The point is however, I think that probably bled into my dreams hard that night. Meeting those girls from highschool and then that hiking trip back to what was my home at the time...

      03/28/2014 - In Ruins

      And so this was last night's dream. It's mostly just there in fragments anymore.
      I remember being with a coworker of mine, Mario, in a city called Lingen that another coworker of mine grew up in. I've never been there in real life. We're in some sort of former office/military building that is now just wasting away empty. There are very big flights of stairs. Mario is fiddling around with some old circuit breaker as I go into a medium sized room and look out of the windows that are missing the glass in them, none of it is shattered on the ground anywhere though. The building is right beside a forest that looks like it's fall on the verge of becoming winter right now. We dick around in the building some more, there is a lot of talk about how the building could collapse very easily as it's very windy outside, I don't remember much, next thing I remember is being between two large buildings in a pretty deep "abyss". The windows on the two buildings don't start until about ten meters above me. The walls have a dark green, washed-out base where I am, halfway up to the windows they start being white-gray.
      I remember there being some sort of festivity in the city as well, something with talking to a child, not much either though. Not much as well on a scene at a train station, where we are astonished that the station has two tracks going through it. There are two trains that pass by each other, one of them called S03 and one S04. We get ready to get on S04.
      My alarm goes off, I have to get ready to work. She's already up, having to work a half hour earlier than me. I hit the snooze button once, get up after the second alarm and sketch up some quick buzzwords from these dreams, hoping I'll remember later. I kinda do.