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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. awesome night of dreaming

      by , 03-22-2012 at 06:23 AM
      last night i went to bed and did some light reading on lucid dreamin, listened to some binaural beats ans went to sleep thinking about 'i will dream', the normal stuff.
      when my alarm went off 6 hours into my sleep (in the middle of one of my dreams), i woke up and wrote down "got bed clothes"(?), and did the WBTB technique.
      i woke up from my alarm again at about 7am from the middle of another dream and wrote down "chasing guy in car"
      this is where it gets interesting.
      i am new to lucid dreaming and was happy with recalling fragments of 2 dreams, but half way through my first class at school i suddenly remembered another dream, the feeling was awesome.
      so this was it;
      i can remember that i was in a bus, and there was something before this in the dream that i cannot remember.
      the bus was unusually wide and long, and my football (AFL) team were all in the bus with me.
      (i cant remember between the bus and this next bit)
      we are at a house and me and my friend are at the back end of the house, the rest of my team was in the front yard and in the rooms at the front of the house.
      we looked around the rooms at the back of the house and suddenly a house maid told us to be quiet because the sick baby was trying to go to sleep.
      we then went ro another room further into the back of the house that had some interesting things that i cant remember
      the maid god mad and pretty much told us to piss off!
      (now this is the confusing bit because this dream was like an alternate ending movie)
      ending 1:
      me and my friend ran out the back of the house and went nextdoor.
      the house next door was getting a massive extention; a second floor and rooms added on the side of the house like a normal house extention.
      we were suddenely on the top of the house and mucking around as there was only the frame and roof of the second floor that had been built so far.
      my friend suddenly realised that somebody was home
      we jumped off the second floor into the house, and through the floor of the extention,
      there must have been somebody chasing us because we crawled as fast as we could to the front of the house and ran around the side of the house to the backyard.
      when we got in the backyard we tried to open the gate that was on the driveway but it was locked.
      i turned around to see my grandmother on the back porch with her arms crossed.
      my little brother was next to me and i said something to my dad
      my grandfather was also there and he was throwing a yellow ball at my friend who was hiding along the side of my dads
      my grand father said i was in a lot of trouble and i had better say sorry to the owner of the house.
      ending 2:
      me and my friend ran from the back of the house to the front and met up with the rest of my footy team.
      (i cant remember what happened between when we met up with the team and this bit)
      we were at a park and playing a game of footy (AFL) that was people with singlets v people with no singlet
      i had no singlet and i tackled a friend really hard and he got hurt
      i then tackled another friend and his face slammed into the ground
      i said sorry to him over and over but he just said it doesnt matter i wont forgive you,
      so i left him alone and put my drink bottle away from his
      then we kinda stopped playing and everytime i would see him he would laugh and then shoot me with his hand

      this is one of the wierdest dreams i have had, probably because it was alternate ending
      (i know it was alternate ending because both endings started with us getting away from the mad house maid)
      non-lucid , dream fragment