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    1. I Believed I Crossed Over Last Night To an Extent Never Experienced Before

      by , 10-11-2013 at 08:24 PM
      For sometime now I have been experimenting with a couple of new techniques. One in particular which last night took me to somewhere I had not ever experienced before.

      The roots of my experiment sit in two sources. The first rooted in teaching of the Kabbalah and the second using a new combination of audio tones and prompters.

      I combined solfeggio frequencies. Only 3 of the 9 tonal set. No incense or mantras and I focused on teachings of the Kabbalah. (Those I will keep to myself for now)

      I use certain tones at time to "Key" myself out of an experience or "Trance". But yesterday was very different. The closest I can explain it is I crossed over into another plane. From the 9 order of angels (as they described themselves) I had and escort who took me through 7 very amazing and separate visions.

      First 3 of the present, 3 from the past, 3 from the future and one of such an amazing vision I will share it. The others I need yo validate.

      The vision started where I was in a desert at the foot of a temple. I walked up a specific number of steps 29. then I met a procession of God like beings marching carrying a great number of gold, red and yellow banners. With all the surrounding fabrics in white.

      so how I think I crossed over.
    2. The new journey

      by , 09-12-2013 at 10:52 PM
      Last night I was able to control another dream. This is the third Dream in the last 4 nights. There will be more detail.
    3. Tuplas

      by , 09-11-2013 at 05:43 PM
      So I have begun the journey. After years of studying Sacred Geometry, The Laws of the Universe, and Sacred I feel I have reached the point where my next step is the Creation of my own Tuplas.

      If anyone should have comments or suggestions I am open.

      I am starting by Listing 30 to 35 Human personality traits I would like my Tupla to maintain.

      Here we go.