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    Hey i'm RJ!

    by , 05-08-2014 at 07:22 AM (438 Views)
    Although a newbie to lucid dreaming, in the past 2 days I have experienced a lucid dream and a OBE. My first lucid dream was completely unintentional, randomly having hummus and cheese before I slept (not knowing their value to lucid dreaming), I found myself having extremely vivid dreams, so vivid that I shocked myself awake at 3:30 AM; not ready to go back to sleep yet, I spent an hour killing time (prayed, checked my email etc.), trying to get something out of my throat I found myself almost puking (another random coincidence), I was still not able to fall asleep, until l I did ... without really falling asleep, I saw my laptop right there bright screen and all right by my side, which shocked me as I specifically remembered putting it on the charger and desk before my last attempt to fall back asleep. So I started playing around with it, still laying in bed, room looking completely real, I started to question my sanity and decided to run a google search to see whether I was dreaming or not (don't really know what I expected) , and boom .. full results.
    I was surfing the web while not actually surfing the web and it was freaking me out; suddenly out of no where I hear this melodic catchy tune that I do not believe I've ever heard before (probably heard it once years and years ago but it stuck in my subconscious mind), I freaked out as I've never heard music in my dreams so clearly and vividly before, it sounded like it was coming from the roof and through the walls at the same time, finally convinced that I must have had been dreaming, I decided to wake myself up, it took longer than I expected it to as my body wouldn't really respond, I remembered the song lyrics of that calm song slightly but forgot to write them down and now I completely forgot them
    Waking up confused but with the biggest smile , I regretted not enjoying that experience for longer, and kind of beat myself up for it.
    So I spent all day searching and gathering all the knowledge I could about lucid dreaming, and attempted it all that night. Apple Juice, Bananas, Melatonin, Vitamin B12, Garlic, I chowed it all trying to get a similar experience to what I had the day before. Tried the WBTB method (pretty much what I did the night before not knowingly), but found it extremely hard to fall back asleep after my alarm went on, as I figured although suggested, 6 hours of sleep might have been too much for someone who is usually accustomed to only 6-7 hours of sleep, but that didn't stop me, I was so determined to fall back into a lucid dream.
    Hours had passed and still no luck. I was meditating, listening to binaural beats; nothing, until I dozed off into what I thought was just a day dream, My best friend who I have not seen in a week and some days, as I am on vacation, was there, sitting on my chair, and out of no where a TV appeared in my room and we were playing FIFA. I still had no idea I was dreaming till I noticed the two uniforms of the two teams: both red. Me and my friend are both very OCD and have ended matches when that's happened, so I knew I must have been dreaming, so I look down and I don't see a controller in my hands.. I was controlling it with my mind this entire time, however he had one in his. Thinking I was having another lucid dream I got excited and my brain started producing the fastest frequencies I have ever heard/felt, my entire head was tingling and it actually caused physical discomfort. Determined to push through it, I tried to focus and suddenly saw the silhouette of my body with a controller, and the shock caused me to immediately wake up, with my head still ringing.
    Once again I had woken up with the biggest smile and sense of accomplishment, and decided to try find a forum I can discuss these trippy yet brilliant incidents with other brilliant minds, and here I am.

    For reference:
    I am 18 years old and this is not my first lucid dreaming experience, I was actually very into the habit as a kid.. however growing up I started getting more into the plant of marijuana (as I live right next to BC lol), and have experienced a severe decline in dreaming since, until I came on vacation here in Dubai and decided to quit! If I can master this there is no way in hell I am going back to smoking pot.

    PS. in both these dreams I have been laying on my side and been unable to get out of bed (in the dream); any suggestions as how to change this?
    Sorry about the long post, and thanks for taking your time to read!

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    lucid , memorable
