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    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by , 08-08-2010 at 08:08 PM (585 Views)
    Time lapses going to a concert 2 (Non-lucid)


    im at J's old house with my brother and sister. S is getting a new roomate so D and i are helping her clean up her room. at some point im getting ready to put some of her clothes in a closet i pat D on the back and tell him its nice to have the three of us together. i start to choke up when i say that i really didnt think it would be but its nice.


    i wake up on a couch having a dream about having sex. i walk into the dining room and Mike Tyson is there getting a blowjob in front of everybody. i go disembodied and im watching it go down. i meld into Tyson and now im the one getting the blowjob. im getting ready to cum and the girl stops. S.L. looks at me perplexed and says "youre not going to finish??" im embarrassed to because now its totally me, there isnt anymore trace of Tyson in me. so i finish on the floor. instead of an all out toe snapping orgasm, i just let myself release the back up. i grab some paper towels from the kitchen and clean up my mess.


    its daytime and im inside of a different house watching a football game with my family. Aunt K is in the kitchen with her daughters and kids and theyre all cooking some food. (this is now really blurry, lots of stuff happened in the house)...

    ....i walk by the couch and Uncle D is there and he starts telling me about how he cant eat certain foods. he says he recently went to the doctors and his cholesterol is through the roof and he could keel over at any time.


    its daytime and im in the back yard with a bunch friends and were having a party. theres a fire pit, lots of beer and food, a swimming pool, music, and a swing set.


    were all sitting around the fire laughing and having a good time. im telling some really terrible jokes and joking about how im bringing the 4th grade back.(terrible stuff like saying female dog instead of bitch was extremely funny in the dream) were all laughing really hard and being loud, the mood and energy around the camp fire is great. then i ask if were being too loud for the neighbors and somebody says yes.

    the energy bubble collapses instantly, its now dark outside and everyone is just sitting there around the fire pit like a bunch of zombies. it feels like we all went from zero to stoned out of our minds in an instant. very heavy vibrations coursing through me.

    i get a vague memory of smoking with the 2 people on my left earlier in the night by the swing set.


    im still in the bark yard at night and were all drinking beer and getting ready to eat. there are people in the pool now. my friend S.H. is getting chased around the party by a tall brunette. shes not his girlfriend so he doesnt want anything to do with her. hes acting very shy like a grade school boy and shes being persistent. at one point S.H. walks by the pool and somebody in there drags him in. i turn around to laugh with somebody and when i turn around S.H. is getting tossed out of the pool. he lands pretty hard and i wince. he lays there for a few seconds and then gets back up slowly. he had all of his clothes on and hes soaked.


    were out front and its night time. we see a car whose body is a ping pong table driving down the street erratically, swerving this way and that. it stops somewhere at one point and my friend S.S. sets a couple of tennis rackets on top of it. we go and do something(have the party in the back yard???)


    were out front and the ping pong table car is driving away with our tennis rackets, 2 old ladies inside. were all laughing and thinking its funny until it rounds a corner and we realize its not coming back.

    we hop on a many person bike to chase after it. im sitting on the back pedaling but facing backwards. im pedaling as fast as i can trying to catch the car. my face is going through all these different contortions as im pedaling because of how much im straining. i entertain the though of quiting because i must look like an idiot to the people on the other many person bike thats off to my right and alittle behind.

    i have a birds eye view and i see a downhill slope coming up. i tell the person in the front to put the bike in 6th gear so we can make up as much ground as possible on the way down the hill. she does and were flying down the hill, everyone is pedaling even harder now. my vision is now back in my body and i tell the person in front to keep it steady because i cant see where im going.

    thoughts of the bike crashing and me getting seriously injured are running through my head and im feeling the different injuries i see myself getting but i push on, let go, and trust the person driving.

    now were going up the other side and the pedaling gets tougher. we have to drop down to 4th gear but we keep going. weve almost caught up to the car, were a few feet away but cant seem to close the distance.

    a disembodied voice says something to the effect of:

    "if youre as close as the diameter of a nickle....

    ...thats sometimes good enough?"
    ...you give up?"
    ...you push on?" (i cant remember what the voice said.)

    i dig down deep and pedal even faster and we catch the ping pong table car.

    right off the bat the lady driving the car is a huge bitch. the car is just a ping pong table now, and its inside of a basement with all of us. instead of just 2 tennis rackets on the table, there is a ton of our stuff. S.S. and the driver start talking and getting buddy buddy. the situation has turned into kind of a gift exchange where everyone is trading different things. at one point a little girl is getting alot of the things so i start giving some things(a pack of oreos is one i remember) to a chubby little boy to help even it out and make him not feel so sad.


    (this is going to be hard to explain: im at a place that is different places depending on where my attention is. its my friends moms place, the backyard of the house with the fire pit, outside courtyard on a college campus, none of those, or all of those combined visually(if not visually, then energetically))

    *just now as im writing this out, seems like i was always in the backyard with the firepit, the other parts would meld themselves into that dreamscape. the amount of crossover was directly proportional to how much attention i was directing at a person. the more attention i put on someone or what they were saying, the more my fire pit dreamscape would resemble the place where that person was.*

    im sitting around in a circle in fold out picnic chairs with some people. the circle from my perspective is:

    on my left is M's mom, after that M, then a black college friend of hers, a white guy friend from college, and immediatly to my right is a blonde haired girl from her college.

    M is talking with her mom about her college classes and how thats going. im focusing on M and her black guy friend mostly and her mom just a little bit. *so i can see the college dreamscape behind M and her friend, and i can see M's mom's back yard barely off to my left behind her. *

    M's mom is talking to M about that and other things in her life and asking some questions. *im focused mostly on mom so my view is moms backyard mostly and a little smidge of the college campus in front of me*

    M answers and the view shifts

    M's mom realizes that when M goes to college that shes only a few miles away. she starts to get pissed that her daughter doesnt come and see her more often. *while this is going on, i see a 3d map that overlays what i was seeing and shows me where moms house is in relation to the campus*

    i zoom in on the campus


    im sitting in a circle on the college campus with everyone. M's mom asks everyone what kind of computer programming experience everyone has. M says C+, black friend says C++, white guy says C+++, blonde girl says C+. the blonde girl is looking at me and im thinking that it would be great to impress her because i really like her. instead i say i have absolutely no experience programing at all, and in fact i just downloaded visual basic 2008 to teach myself and try and write a dream journal/mapping program.


    its daytime and im outside of the firepit house on the street with my friend L and a few other people. were waiting to go to a concert. L's friends and a bunch of other people are supposed to meet up with us so we can all go. a bus pulls up and her friend start getting off of it. theyre all christians. all of the women have on a ton of jewelry. im thinking how sickening it is that theyre so materialistic and im wondering what L sees being friends with these people.

    i see my friend R.R. walk by and i wave. we talk about C.M. dying last week(really fuzzy). everyone starts to load up into robs truck(there are hundreds of people getting ready to squeeze into the backseat of a Ford F-150. i think it sucks that i wont be able to fit. the blonde college student and i look at the bed of the truck and get in.


    weird 2 dimensional post cards are swimming across my vision. they show me and the blonde getting into a shopping cart to go to the concert and were goofy looking cartoon drawings. the cards show us as we ride down the road and hit a bump and get tossed around inside of the cart. then each card thats goes by me has us in different states of undress. eventually i see us end up having sex on the cards.(i could feel whatever was going on in the cards even though i wasnt doing it, just watching it happen.


    its after the concert and im back in the fire pit house. were all talking about how great of a show it was, comparing experiences. a guy walks up and introduces himself as Stevie Ray Vaughn(he looks like my friend G). (im thinking NO WAY!! youre dead. and i still didnt get lucid) he says how it was awesome watching the show because he had bought all of the tickets in one section so he wouldnt be bothered by people.

    i think thats a dick thing to do so i tell him(impersonating my buddy M.M.'s voice) i cant wait to go on tv next week and tell everyone what a big dope he is for doing that. he morphs into M.M. and is asking me about my job interviews that i had last week. he has the days i went wrong and when i correct him he has a surprised look on his face. he tells me he sent some food to my boss from me and it might have been spoiled. im thinking how messed up that is when i wake up


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