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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. The Night Into October 8th

      by , 10-08-2010 at 10:17 PM
      1st Dream (Vivid): I was witnessing three girls get off with various machines or devices. The dream ended abruptly and I woke up.

      2nd Dream (Vivid): After falling back to sleep, the dream I had seemed to continue from where the first left off, at least, that's how it felt:
      When I turned around and saw the White House (at least, it was the capitol building, but in my dream I knew it as the White House) I stepped closer to see a patrol of soviet troops moving in on the building. On in particular was climbing a ladder with a sign which had three identical Radiation signs in a horizontal row on it. I'd guess the dimensions were 14 inches by 5 feet.
      He hung the sign over the front door and stepped away.
      The rest of the soviet troops lined up in the formation of a firing squad about 50 feet away from the building itself. Then the commander (Colonel by the way his uniform was) came over to where I was.
      He said we were to be nuked for our lack of co-operation.
      Then he rejoined the squad and they fired the nuke. Everything went black as it blasted and when the sight returned everything was covered in dust.
      Then the Colonel came over my way as he looked through the rubble (which is what he seemed to be doing, if there WAS rubble, which there wasn't. Just dust.) He said something about capitalism and how 'they' had not left, they had only been waiting for 'us' to change. I remember feeling outraged as capitalism was under attack (apparently I was a supporter of capitalism in the dream, even though I'm not in real life?).
      Then they placed an identical Radiation sign on the ground and marked it with some sort of symbol under each of the radiation emblems.
      Then it ended.

      3rd Dream (Vivid/Lucid): I was at home (my real home) and was in the kitchen after just coming up stairs. My Mom and two brothers were there although my youngest brother was perhaps in the study on the computer. The whole scene was so real and normal, AND everything looked real that I didn't suspect a thing until, for whatever reason, I did. I said "Wait a minute... is this a dream?"
      My mom turned around and laughed slightly "No... "
      My brother asked me why or something and I was more and more adamant: "No but this HAS to be a dream... let me check my clock..."
      "Ok." my Mom laughed.
      But as I looked at the clock I noticed it was staying the same after 2 times looking. then, when I checked the third time, it was the same time but now the numbers were in military time (like a 24 hour clock) I thought "that can't be real" and looked again, sure enough the time changed. So I immediately ended up somewhere else once realizing it was a dream, and as it started to fade, I rubbed my hands together to keep it real and everything became so clear and realistic. I felt along my arms to increase my mind's involvement in the dream and everything seemed to be stable.
      So I don't remember much about the dream but it was long. I remember the next location I was at was some kind of penthouse suite on a dock with it's own boat, and a water-plane had just landed with some associates of mine who came into the house. But they were randomly generated DC's so I decided to try summoning and I did it by saying "no, you're supposed to be..." and then looking away and looking back and they always were whoever I wanted them to be. Except once when it didn't work, and then I just tried again by re-phrasing it and it worked.
      I remember we went on some kind of mission and had some kind of business to work on but it all happened progressively like a linear time-line of thought-processes when it came to what we had to do. Like a checklist. And then we ended up in some tunnel underground.

      4th dream (Vivid/May Have Continued From Above-Mentioned LD): Me and my cousin were in a store looking at big-screen TVs and we found one that had a really good warranty. It was a 58 inch plasma (the same one I have in real life). Anyhow I bought the TV because it's warranty covered everything, including damage cause by the owner. So we watched the tv for a while, then I picked it up and slammed it down, breaking the bottom-left corner which broke the frame out of place but did not break the screen. Afterward I was extremely worried that the warranty wouldn't cover it, even though it did (somehow i just thought it would be changed or there would be an exception made or something). Then I woke up and realized my tv was still safe and sound.
      dream fragment , lucid
    2. The Night Into September 21st.

      by , 09-22-2010 at 03:28 PM
      I can't remember much of anything dream-wise but I do recall I was watching stargate universe (even though I never watch that show because I watched it once and didn't like it) and there was Richard Dean Anderson as Jack Oneill. Anyhow, as the show progressed, it turned out that The guy was actually a different character, played by a different actor who just looked like RDA, and who was acting like Jack Oneill, in an effort, I assumed, to fill in the blank space that RDA supposedly created when he left the original stargate. The fake RDA took off his mask that made hjim look like RDA and looked like a yoinger RDA underneath. Then I woke up and wasn't able to try LD because I was too restless for some reason.
      dream fragment