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    task of the month

    task of the month dreams

    1. Scolor's Adventure To Clone Himself

      by , 07-07-2010 at 05:30 PM
      [COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]Dream[/COLOR]LucidCommenting

      I woke up late in the middle of the night, and Decided to read up on the forums. I saw the task of the month and was extremely interested. I have always wanted to do one of them, and i saw that the tasks seemed pretty easy this month. I Chose to WBTB and then i began....

      [COLOR="rgb(255, 0, 255)"]I couldn't understand where I was. I was in s street like new york, however, the streets were vacant. No one was around, except an owl. I Walked over to it, just to see what it was, and it turned into a human. [/COLOR]I then relized that i was dreaming, because obviously owls can't do that. The person looked just like me, dressed in white clothing, and wings. They told me it was my turn to die, and their turn to live. I looked at my shadow, and pictured myself obtaining wings, and they grew, i flew up, but the other me was much faster than me. He caught up and threw me to the ground. I pulled me arms together, and pulled apart rapidly. I pictured my body splitting, and ripping apart. Each one of those split apart, and i had 3 other versions of myself.

      I was very weird controlling multiple forms of myself. I could hear everyone's thoughts, and they were all individuals.... It was so awkard with everyone doing the same thing....

      So i commanded them all to be their own person, but to still look up to me as their leader. I sprang up and pounded the evil form of myself into a building (Which had several different portable walls inside, most likely a technical help building) and the 3 other forms of myself handeled the rest of it. I then attempted to do other stuff (Like calling someone) however no one was alive beside me and my clones, it seemed.... No one was in their buildings, and no one answered their phones... I traveled across america, then went to check the moon.... Befor i reached the moon, i woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing.... grr
      lucid , task of the month