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    April lucids 3, 4, 5

    by , 05-03-2013 at 08:29 AM (405 Views)
    all DILD
    1) started out at lawton, walked around to ease anxiety about being a 20 y/o at an elementary school. escaped something a window of an empty classroom and ended up on a street i recognized as "Wall Street" with a "historic" building in the center of the block. i went in since in was the direction back toward the school, where i wanted to return.

    whatever the building had been previously the rooms had been turned into offices. however, the offices had an undeniable residential quality. the decor was old but clean and deliberate, as if halted in time decades ago. the rooms were themed and each had a name like old manor homes. the names could be found on wall plaques if i cared to find them. i took one tour around the first floor. the rooms ran into each other without hallways. i spontaneously became lucid when i got back to the foyer. i became excited about finding myself in an environment actually interesting, but also became afraid that the building would evolve into something else before i could satisfactorily explore it. this anxiety was present the duration of the dream, and caused me to take measures against it whenever i felt on the brink of instability, i.e., whenever i wasn't in motion. see carpet, must feel carpet. see silver spoon, must pick it up; when examining it, keep it turning. see nesting doll, not interested enough, then move on, and hurry. for this reason i made few general observations. it's not lack of recall; i never processed them in the first place. (should note that broad observation/exploration is the very thing i was excited about doing in this environment, and this is probably why i was incapable of it.)

    potential instability refers not only to the dream but to my emotions' effect on my imagination. the building supposedly in disuse or at least empty seemed as i said to have been regularly maintained. i wondered whom i was disturbing. soon character appeared to come out of an adjacent room. the first was a hollow man, as if CGI but incompletely rendered. he refracted purple and had no face, just facets. i seduced him before my imagination could turn him into something sinister. vaginal penetration was unsatisfactory, so i switched to anal which was great but unlike reality. i stayed on top for both. i didn't see orgasm happening, so i got up and left. i think i lost almost all lucidity soon after this, but who knows, it's been almost two weeks.

    the other three characters i encountered (unless there was a fifth, which would've been a bear and with whom i wouldn't have interacted at all anyway) i don't remember the order. one was a suited gentleman whom i suspected was a vampire. he could've been called Vlad, to give you an idea of what he looked like, but probably wasn't since that'd be lame. we talked briefly, him asking polite questions and me defending myself being there. the other two characters was a former coworker P and her roommate. i encountered P first. she was excited to find me there. she asked if i wanted to see her room and i asked about the decor. she said with regret that it was [something lame] and indeed it was dorm room retro. the room was a tiny sleeping quarter with a 2x2 entry space, a platform that ran around that on which her roommate slept along the wall with the window, which let white sunlight in at the time, and an even higher platform recessed into the wall where P slept. we were going to have sex, a matter of course at this point, and i was already straddling her when i decided i just wasn't into it/females. as i exited i saw her annoyed roommate glance at me under her duvet; this probably happened a lot. i don't remember how the dream ended.

    2) i was in a little cottage that was nominally the second home Josiah and i had rented, June 2011, Liz's place, but more resembled the layout of the house my family rented when we lived in the Philippines... or maybe not. like Liz's however, it was a unique, quaint space with questionable security, plenty of potential, barely-livable disrepair. you entered through the living room, which had a floor of hard white linoleum. facing in from the door the living room extended further to your left, there may have been a fireplace we hadn't bothered to use since it seemed not to have been used for a long long time. to your right the dining area began, the wall extending further out, a single window. the dining area was separated from the kitchen by one of those overhead cabinet + counter combos. the counter wrapped around the kitchen to form a U. there was a wall on the other side, which opened up to both a larger dining room (like the house in the philippines) and a hallway down which there were bedrooms and a bathroom. i went down that hall.


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