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    1. can dreams break people up, and bring people back together.

      by , 02-18-2013 at 03:51 PM
      I have been having dreams with my first gf, first love ever. We ended our relationship, but the love was never really lost. Time passes and we both do our thing. She rolls up the other day after we not talking in a while, and says that for the past three months SHE HAS BEEN DREAMING OF I. i forgot to say that none of my dreams were sexual. She says the same. So we go and hang out. End up spending a couple days together. Now we want to get back together. She has a man, i have a woman. Are these dreams saying its ok to do what we want? fuck it? idk. I'm 23 and this is tearing me up. In both our dreams we are hanging out and it feels very real.