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    The Sacrifice.

    by , 01-13-2015 at 07:53 AM (241 Views)
    I was laying on a grass field, face down, when I "awoke." Around me were some unrecognizable "friends" and "allies" dressed in rags as I was. I looked up to see multiple wooden pillars being prepared for people to be hung from and possibly crucified. I was loosely shackled by the wrists so I stood up and did some stretching. I mean if I was going to spend my last moments alive strapped to a giant wooden pillar in the sky, I might as well be limber.

    I stared off into the horizon. The sky was a domineering grey and red color but near the silhouette of one of the mountains was one slice of sky that was unlike the rest. Just one portion where the clouds broke and a beautiful green light shone through. I took a moment to stare deeply into the sky, realizing that this was a color so beautiful and complex that only a dream could produce it. This was a very vague thought and did not give me lucidity. I called to the people with me and pointed out the sky. "Look at that horizon? Isn't that color amazing?" I got lost in the color again and somewhere in the back of my head I knew that I was doing it not to have some sort of "beautiful moment" before my death, but that if I focused hard enough, I might fully realize that I was in a dream and become lucid. This never happened. The rest of the dream faded away.

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