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    1. Forrest #2

      by , 11-06-2012 at 12:54 PM
      Im in the forrest again (as usual) Im walking around aimlessly (as usual) and I start to hear people whispering all around me, but it's like in my mind ''Torre esk vienne." (I think) And I think I see Ben, but I keep walking around. I have the feeling Im not really meant to be there, then I come across a couple of people and they're all talking quietly and stop when I come over, one of the girls has dark hair, and for some reason I think ''This must be Irina." I asked them if they knew where Nika was, and they all give me really bitchy glares, so I walk away. I dont remember the next bit, but someone is holding my head underwater and Im screaming. Then I wakeup screaming at the top of my lungs -.-
    2. The Forest

      by , 11-06-2012 at 12:46 PM
      Its like a re-occuring dream, Im in a massive forrest, it's all pine and it's twilight, so it's still light out. Im wearing a long red corsetted dress and Im calling out for Nika, I keep screaming her name out but nothing happens. I keep walking and I can tell someone is watching me, I look around and this guy steps out from behind a tree, its not C or A or any of them, but its a different ''group'' of people, he's really tall and he has big black eyes, no whites, and great white teeth, he smiles at me and I scream, and I turn around and start running, and he has this weird laugh, and he screams out ''I hope you last longer than the last girl.'' I keep running until I get to a cliff along the edge of the forrest, and Nika is there, I run up to her and give her a hug and she asks me where J is, and I say I dont know. And we just sat there, and I wokeup like usual, suddenly and my heart beating 45678 miles an hour and drenched in sweat. Lovely.
      Tags: forrest