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    Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction

    Ready to step into a plane of uncertainty, bliss, horror and amusement?

    My dreams tend to consist of simpler, yet complex ideals. Often times I may find myself on an island or in an amusement park, perhaps with my own mother, or a dragon. Other times I'm right at home, in a dark room with a man wearing a rabbit mask holding a hose while speaking French. There is no predictions when it comes to these dreams, much like many other dreams, though if I might be so inclined to say mine are of a more fantastical, silky flavor.

    Feel free to predict the unpredictable, expect the unexpected, and leave reality at the doorstep into a mansion of strange fortunes.

    1. -The Gifts and the Horrors-

      by , 03-25-2013 at 04:06 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I: The Gifts

      I was at my dad's small apartment, laying on my bed for some reason, and my father came in with a huge box, wrapped in plain blue paper. From there, he laid it next to me, saying "Here you go, son. I'm giving you this because I'm proud of ya." and I quickly opened the large present.

      Inside was a rather old-looking computer, save for the fact that it was the color purple and had a transparent covering to it. He said it was something called "The Chat Messenger" or something. It did two things that I know of--chat and watch movies. I did the first thing, chatting nonsense with others before turning on the movie.

      It was a horror flick, which is how the next part begins.

      Part II: The Horrors

      I was in this movie for some reason. Much like me real self, I was tall, white and of medium attraction, though I had long blonde hair instead of my short brown hair that I actually have. I was with a group of friends at this vacation spot, each one I didn't recognize very well and all seemed like jerks. It was four guys, including myself, and two girls, one that seemed to have the hots for me. That, or we were just really close friends. We flirted like couples, though passed it off as friendly chit chat. She's the only one I remember interacting with in the dream, a blonde-headed tan girl with big cheeks and a cute face, always wearing a white t-shirt with a rather large bust.

      One night, in our hotel room that we all stayed in, I recommended we go try the haunted house across the way, and we looked at it through the window. Lighting and rain poured over it, and nothing else. Skeletons came out of the windows and went back in. It was certainly haunted.

      The next morning we went into an elevator, the group of us waiting to get to the haunted house. Through this time, someone was chatting something that I wasn't listening to, arms crossed. My elbow was nudged into one of the blonde chick's breasts, and she looked at me with a sarcastically amused grin, pulling my elbow away and mouthing "Sorry!" so not to interrupt the guy talking. We both seemed rather calm about it, her chuckling a bit afterwards.

      We eventually got to the house, stepping inside and going into one of the rooms. It was like an apartment; fair sized and old-looking, clothes and other knick-knacks scattered along the floor. The group was searching around, making jokes about who was the most scared, though out of a closet came a pale-skinned zombie boy dressed like a cowboy, crawling and almost biting on to one of my friends' legs. Someone came up and began smashing his head with his foot, soon the only thing that was left was a battered mesh of red and white. I covered up the body with a chair, though another zombie came in and shot one of my friends, then grabbed another and took them into the floor. One came out of the TV and took another one, and then one grabbed my leg. I didn't feel anything at first, though the longer it went on, the more painful it got. I started screaming, and then I woke up.


      My dad would never be this nice.
      The pain on my leg was quite intense and felt very real.
      Apart from the pain, I wasn't very scared at all.


      I'm scared of people, or something.
    2. (Nap)-A Very, Very Messed Up Dream-

      by , 03-24-2013 at 02:54 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      This was by far one of the worst dreams I've had in a long time, if not my whole life.

      Part I: Playdate

      So it started off very normal, for the most part. Okay, that's a lie.

      I was with my father, my brother and this family of two African Americans; one a mid-aged man and who I assume was his very young son. So we're at what I assume was an arcade/restaurant place, though not much eating was going on to be frank. My father seemed very fond of the African American family, and I thought they were alright. I was very young in this dream, no older than 10 years-old. We were all taking turns at playing this jet-ski racing arcade game with the black child, and we were having fun. Every time I stopped playing though, I would go to the bathroom.

      Whenever I went into the bathroom, I turned into this humanoid wolf person, like a werewolf except not nearly as gruesome looking, but every time I went to the bathroom, I engaged in some different form of sexual intercourse, ranging from just standard vaginal to blowjobs by two different women at the same time. When it wasn't my turn to play with the kid, I'd sit down on this padded red couch with my brother, who was playing with his kindle a lot. This happened three or four times I think, though I somehow transitioned between this and the next part.

      Part II: Grandpa

      This is the most tame part of the dream, really.

      Recently, I went on vacation to Marina Del Rey with my mother, brother and grandfather, which is what I believe effected this dream.

      Much like in the dream, my brother, my grandpa and I spent most of our time eating and talking, though my mother was nowhere to be found, and we most certainly weren't in Marina Del Rey. It was a high class restaurant, the whole room was red. Fancy red walls, silk tablecloths and wall hangings, and red chairs to sit on. We all sat down at one of the middle tables in the back, talking idly to a point where I don't remember what we were really talking about. Soon though, it was time for us to depart, and I had a bad feeling that I'd never see my grandfather again, though I didn't hesitate to even say goodbye to him.

      He sent me and my brother a limo to ride us home, though we waited in the parking lot first. He pointed out that we were in the exact location of where a commercial he shot was at--in front of a diner with a Ross' in the background and a bank next to that, the sky filled with stars.

      We eventually got into the limo, and we began driving down a street I've never seen before, one with this large apartment complex that was stacked up neatly like blocks, though each one of these apartments was shaped like an individual square and had a large glass window in the front that showed off the whole room, and it consisted of people getting dressed in front of these windows. No one was nude, but half-dressed in some clothing, then some underwear as well. I assumed they were either going to bed or getting ready for work.

      Our destination would be our father's house.

      Part III: A Father's Abuse and One Odd Wish

      We got to my father's house, and my brother came with me, which was odd because my brother would never agree to go to my dad's house after invading his privacy and ruining his social life for years to come once back in high school. We were now about 17 or 18. Things were going fine so far--my brother was playing a game on the PS3 and I was sitting there playing with a Kindle. My dad wanted to check out my Kindle by looking through the images, and I didn't want him seeing some of the more... intimate images I had stored on my device, so I kept turning back the pages as he moved forwards. He was getting mad, and he asked me to stop. I replied with "I have some personal things on there." he said "Then you should show me them." which made no sense to me. I replied with "Things that I don't want you to see." which brought a huge snarl onto his face. He was furious, and got up and yelled at me "What could be so personal that I can't see?" I replied with "You have your privacy and I respect that, so please respect my privacy!" which only made him more mad. He screamed out "GOD DAMMIT!" loudly, turned around, then turned back to me and hit me right in the face.

      This made me fall on the floor, dazed at how my father just socked me in the face. He began kicking me violently, his bare feet digging into my stomach with each blow, and I just took it. My brother just kept playing video games, while I slowly and crudely got up. I tried to hit him, though I was so weak and out of energy that he easily dodged it, and pushed me back to the ground. He looked at me and started saying "Really? Really, huh?" and then began bashing my skull into the ground, over and over again. While he did, I couldn't stop thinking "I'm definitely running away to mom's." and then, I bit his foot, dug my fangs deep into them, and I did this over and over again. Eventually, he kicked me off and bashed me in the head again and again.

      He said he was going to leave for a bit, and he left me with my brother alone. I couldn't even get up anymore. So exhausted and hurt. I looked at my brother, still playing games, and said "Did you see that? He nearly killed me..." with him replying "Hey, I don't want to say I told you so, but..." and stopped there. I then devised a plan to kill my father, and without any sort of show on how I did it, I murdered my father, and retrieved a... "full diaper" from him. I met this anime-looking girl who wanted the diaper. In my mind, she was a friend, so I gave her the diaper.

      What she did next, was something I could have never expected. She opened up the diaper and ate the fecal matter inside of it, or rather, let it sit in her mouth for a bit, then spit it out like water, spraying it everywhere. I wasn't so disgusted in the dream, but I was horrified when I woke up. When she spit it out, she said I had something like one wish, and with my dad dead, I wished that we could go far away, and so we zoomed off in a motorcycle into the Californian sunset.

      Later, it zoomed back to the diner, a tall, tan man walking out and two men standing there, looking at him and asking "Is there a Julian Romano here?" he replied with "Oh, yeah. She's in the third room." and then it showed a picture of an old Asian woman, now rich because of the two men. Then I woke up in a bout of daze and shock.


      This is by far one of the weirdest, most macabre dreams I've had.
      When my father was beating me up, I sometimes felt the pain of his hits.
      The name Julian Romano doesn't sound familiar at all to me.


      Perhaps, I really do hate my father and love my grandfather. Honestly though, I can't interpret this dream for the life of me.
    3. -Career Day and the Chaser-

      by , 03-19-2013 at 02:06 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      It's been a while since I could remember a dream, though luckily, I find myself taking in more than usual about the images I find during my slumber as of last night.

      Part I: Career Day

      I found myself at my High School. The hallways were all rather accurate to how they were realistically, if not slathered with posters, pictures and decorations of a lot of different things, most of them famous men, women and children who all specialized in specific positions.

      I walked with two of my friends--one an Asian kid named Eric, always had this huge mole under his chin, and my friend Gabriel, a boy with fair, wavy hair and a cherub-like face. We walked in this hallway, somewhat crowded but not too packed at the same time. I assumed it was some sort of career day of sorts, and so I looked for something that piqued my interest.

      Along the way, I saw a poster of lead guitarist and singer of the 90's band Nirvana, Kurt Cobain. The picture was of him, singing and playing guitar in black and white. I touched this poster, and then I looked to my left. Kurt Cobain was coming at me with a butcher's knife, something out of a campy horror movie. I didn't attempt to run, perhaps too perplexed by the fact that Kurt Cobain somehow rose from the dead. He pounced me onto the ground, grabbing the handle of his knife with both hands and raising it in the air. I kept shouting "No!" over and over again, but he then pushed his knife right into my chest. What's odd about this is that I did feel a bit of pain as the blade stuck into my chest.

      Things went black, but as suddenly as that happened, I was back in the hallway. I was now with my brother, looking much like himself, strangely. People were leaving and we were getting our backpacks from a pile in the middle of the hallway. I didn't understand why, but my brother had apparently put some very important items for a project in my backpack, though I was unable to find my backpack.

      They said it might be in another room, and if it wasn't, it was stolen. We checked that room -- no dice.

      I was lead to believe that my backpack was stolen. That was when I woke up briefly.

      Part II: The Chaser

      Not long after, I fell asleep again, the dream following connecting itself to the last dream I had.

      I was now hell-bent on finding my backpack, though I only acted on it when my mother was driving me home from school, parked at a gas station on an early summer morning. I then found myself becoming a badass biker dude going along a California coastline; palm trees and the blue skies and oceans passing by me like a big blur. There were a few cars and bikers that passed by me. Though I knew they were enemies, they didn't really do anything to actually threaten me, nor did I do them.

      I followed these "enemies" until I reached a beach, where we stopped. I told their boss, a man dressed in a cliche leather jacket with a short-cut Elvis hairdo something rather intimidating; intimidating enough to make him give me my backpack back. My brother was suddenly with us, and there he retrieved a medium sphere that looked like the shape of a planet. He smiled and looked at me, making some cheesy joke about how I was lucky to have gotten this thing back, or else. Then we laughed and the dream ended.


      That pain that I felt when Kurt Cobain stabbed me was rather significant.
      I've rarely gone that fast as I did on the motorcycle in a dream before.


      Gee, I really don't know what to think of a dream where I get killed by one of my favorite musicians and chase a man on a motorcycle to get my backpack back. Perhaps, leisure is killing me and I focus too hard on school.
    4. (Nap)-The Flooded Plaza and the Broken Race with Megaman-

      by , 03-13-2013 at 05:21 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I: The Flooded Plaza

      I was in a rather busy plaza, around evening or morning. It's always so hard to tell when the sun's coming up or going down in your dreams. Still, this was no ordinary plaza. No, not only was it of a purple color and very futuristic, but it was flooded to the third story. I walked around, or rather, I swam around, going along these floors as many others did. I came across a Gamestop on the third floor. Around here, I didn't have to swim, but I was belly-deep in water, and my shirt was suddenly gone. Now I was walking around the store -- which ironically didn't sell games but instead shirts and accessories -- with my my muscle-gutted torso lugging bare. I considered purchasing a shirt, though they were all very expensive, ranging from $7.00 to $18.00.

      Needless to say, I didn't buy a shirt. Instead, I waddled in the water over to the accessories stand. There, there were 3 guys sitting on stools, and I sat on the remaining stool. The man nearest to me, a guy I know in real life who had shaggy brown hair and a relaxed face. He suddenly asked me "Are you a Halo master?" I replied with a questionable face. He then continued "Well, he's a... and he's a... and that guy's a... So I assumed you're a Halo master." What logic, I thought. They were all something so I had to be something specific, of course he never actually said what the others were.

      He went on, asking something about if I were offered to stay up for nights on end to become said Halo master, would I take that offer. I hesitated and replied "Yeah. Yeah." just to please him. He then smiled and nodded "See, I knew it.", and that was the end of that.

      I searched through the little booths of accessories, just a bunch of ugly rings and bracelets. I got up, walked by one of the guys, who was now a humanoid shark, and said "Don't mind me." as I searched in the bin nearest to him. He replied in a deep, black voice "What you sayin' to me? Shut up." and I replied "Hey, relax. I'm just passin' by." and didn't find anything at all.

      I found a wet shirt in my pocket and put it on, cold as hell as I was. I then swished out of that store to try and find my parents. This thought kept going through my mind about how I missed going to juvenile hall this morning. Oh well, I thought. It'll just go on my criminal record.

      Part II: The Broken Race with Megaman

      I woke up briefly, then fell asleep again. Don't really remember what time.

      So here I was in some sort of robotic suit in this parking complex, no real clue what I was doing there. I was supposed to find someone, and I did, soon. This smaller man was with me, dressed as Megaman from the video game of the same name. He annoyed the hell out of me, but I don't remember what he said that annoyed me. All of a sudden, I saw these three people. One girl, a hot broad in leather and a 50's hairstyle, a fat man in leather, sunglasses and an Elvis hairdo, and a skinny guy, I'd say the brother of the fat guy judging by their appearance. They started talking smack to me, and in response my robot suit suddenly changed, made this huge transformation. Suddenly I was rugged, muscled and covered in badass spikes.

      I was intimidating, but they wouldn't have any of it. They got on these Tron-esque bikes and drove off. I was supposed to catch them, but I didn't have a vehicle. That annoying little Megaman kept saying "Hurry up! Catch them!" but what could I do? I didn't have the means to chase them. The dream soon ended without success in my mission.


      My dreams usually have video game aspects or characters in them, so it makes sense that this was no different.
      I have had this feeling of needing to go to Juvy before in my dreams, though I don't know where this feeling originates from.
      I was strangely accurate to my actual self in the plaza scene.
      I never did find my parents.


      Perhaps, I shouldn't worry about my body. Or maybe, I'm stronger than I think.
      This was a very odd dream.
    5. -Tough Love Tactics-

      by , 03-12-2013 at 04:30 PM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I: "Tough Love Tactics"

      Through the whole dream, there was this buzzword that had kept coming up. Something along the lines of "Tough Love Tactics". In the waking world, I still haven't a clue what that means.

      Anyways, the dream was rather vague. I don't remember too much of how it began, though what I do remember is this man, perhaps me, who had been walking around, two orange-yellow figures appearing next to him every now and again. He kept saying those figures were important, though I for the life of me could not tell why. They seemed almost transparent, but fully solid at the same time. One moment we entered this house, and in it was a chair, a computer and a radio. I then saw him use those two figures, and it was rather interesting.

      One was using the computer, the other fiddling with the radio as if they both knew what they were doing. I asked the man who might have been me "How did you do that?", he replied with "It's Tough Love Tactics." which boggled me even as I woke up minutes later.


      I never saw the guy's face, but he was about as tall as me, wore a blue shirt and had blonde hair.
      There was something having to do with dragons in this dream, but I can't remember for the life of me what they had to do with the dream.
      The room with the computer and the radio seemed very foreign to me.


      Perhaps, the two figures represent different sides of me, and the term "Tough Love Tactics" pertains to a sort of mental state where I must think realistically yet praise myself at the same time. Perhaps, it has to do with self-loathing.
    6. -Two Dragon Friends-

      by , 03-12-2013 at 02:06 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I: Two Dragon Friends

      It was one of those dreams where something happens over and over again that causes you to awaken, then sleep, then awaken again in small intervals.

      I hate these kinds of dreams, as they don't really help me get any sleep, but it was a bit of a strange one, one that kept me thinking as I ate breakfast. I don't remember a lot of it, but I was a dragon of some sort, this rather masculine, blue and white reptilian thing with plate armor on, yet for some reason I was actually going to school. It was either high school or it was college, I forget, but I kept thinking to myself, we shouldn't go to school today. I had planned not to go late into the dream, though I kept getting these calls from this other dragon -- a more orange and pink thing that looked rather like the dragon I was myself. This other unnamed dragon kept calling me as if he knew my thoughts, saying "Please go to school. It's worth it!" or something in the same topic as that.

      In the very muffled end that I barely remember, I went to school, it seems. That dragon had convinced me to do so, and much like many times during the night already, I woke up in the morning at 6: 45 AM, not feeling like going to school at all.


      Dragons are common in my dreams. I can't quite pinpoint what they mean, but they usually appear in my dreams if I read, play video games, write or draw before I sleep.
      These dreams are quite troublesome, as they always awaken me more than once during my sleep.
      Perhaps this is related to my recent interest in dragons.


      I've been ditching school as of late, and perhaps this is my mind trying to motivate me to go... through dragons.
    7. The First Dream: -An Amusement Park and the Problem with Fast Food-

      by , 03-11-2013 at 09:36 AM (Of Distant Lands and Homely Fiction)
      Part I - The Amusement Park

      I had visited this place more than once in my dreams -- a theme park that looked almost broken judging by the worn brick walls that had a dampened red hint to them and rustic metal that looked almost desperate to be torn down. It was an amusement park of some kind, one that didn't label their rides or have any fancy sideshows or midway game stands. It looked like the shipping dock of a warehouse, and yet it had a more joyous feeling to it.

      It was my mother, my brother and I who took favor to this place. My mother looked the same as ever -- long blonde hair with a boyish face that led just enough femininity to tell she was a mid-aged woman, though me and my brother were of a younger age. Being twins, this would make us 6 or 7 about. Perhaps older, but not younger. We had been searching for a ride, and my mother kept telling how it was my brother's choice because it was his birthday. Thinking of it now, that's ridiculous. Shouldn't it be my birthday, too? We were twins after all, but I went along with it.

      He could decide of a ride, and as we wondered, we found one ride that we had been on in a past dream. In the dream previous, this ride consisted of much darkness, followed by some torches and the occasional spooky jump-scare, yet had all the drops and twirls of a roller coaster. We entered this ride and got in the car that could fit the three of us even with room to spare. There was only one car, and it was a blue, 50's carnival-esque shape. It also had no safety bars or belts, but I assumed this was a safe ride. As the car started to move, we proceeded unto darkness, thus ending the first part of my dream.

      Part II - The Problem with Fast Food

      I woke up at about 7:30-something AM, and didn't feel like staying up, so I didn't. I went right back to sleep, telling myself that I'd only sleep for another hour.

      Near my mother's home, there is a small restaurant called In-N'-Out. It's rather popular on the west-coast for it's cheap prices, excellent fries and horrible waiting times, if you went by car anyways. In this case, my mother and I took a trip by foot to the 50's-themed restaurant, with orders in mind, or so I thought. Instead of going to the ordering window, we went deeper, into the kitchen. My mom said we were in a hurry so I had to order fast, and I did -- large fries and ice cream. My mother ordered likewise. The man in the kitchen -- a young Hispanic man in the employee outfit of red and white, gave us this order, but the ice cream was the star of this order. It came on a cone, and had at least eight scoops on it, towering enough to almost reach the ceiling. My mother gave out a groan of displeased humor, saying that we'd never be able to walk home with a thing like that.

      He leveled the tower of frozen dairy to just one scoop, and we got our fries, and we went on our way.
      We now had to walk home. It was sunset; the sky a blistering, hellish red with darkening clouds scattered in lines along the horizon like platforms in the sky. My mother was complaining about the heat, though I for one found it to be a very mild temperature. The ice cream agreed with my mother, though. Only five minutes since we left the place and they were starting to turn into a colored liquid. I did my best to hurry and slurp it up, and I did, my blond-haired mother apologizing to me that we couldn't get home sooner as we walked into the sunset, idly nibbling onto our fries. We never made it home before I woke again, almost precisely an hour later.


      Both of these dreams included my mother.
      Her personality was rather different from that in real life. She's actually rather excited and playful, while in this she was worried and seemed stressed.
      This is the third time I've been to the amusement part in my dreams. I've noticed no specific pattern with real life occurrences that induces the setting.
      The In-N'-Out restaurant as well as the area around it was stunningly accurate to real life.


      Perhaps my mother is stressed or worried. I have taken notice of a change in her average personality as of late.
      In-N'-Out might represent my increase in food consumption.
      My brother's birthday could represent an imminent event with him soon. I'll keep track of that.

      Updated 03-12-2013 at 05:09 AM by 61757

      non-lucid , dream fragment