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    Lucid Dreams

    1. Lucid Stress

      by , 12-29-2011 at 01:28 PM
      I was up late doing English homework but could not finish. I decided to spare myself some time for sleep and was at my old elementary school park. I knew immediatly that I was sleeping and this was all a dream, but all I could think was: I had to get up. I still have English homework. Usually I gain control in scary dreams or dreams where I am falling and before the climax, I force myself to wake up by peeling my "eyes" open (or more like farther open) or shaking my head. In this paticular dream, I could not wake up and I was very lethargic. It was sorta like having my will constantly being webbed away. I ran around shaking my head really fast trying to wake up. I ran to my old house down the street and saw myself sleeping in my old bedroom. I kept on thinking, I had to wake up, I had to wake up. My flawed logic said I could not wake myself up from the bed, for I was in dream form. So I woke up my step-dad thinking he would be able to wake me up. Then I realized my flawed logic, he was in my dream too! He could not wake me up either if he was in my dream. Then I woke up. This dream kind of scared me because I felt like I was trapped in my dream. A setting I was making up and was locking me in. Other than my dad, the whole neighborhood was empty, which was odd because it was noon. I couldn't gather enough willpower either to wake myself and it was quite a struggle. This had to be my most lucid dream, because I knew immediatly I was dreaming, I didn't have to check my hands or breathing, or notice anything strange. I was at the park, and I knew I was dreaming. It was very strange, but then again, school and stress do strange things to you.
      memorable , lucid , nightmare