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    1. Any Ideas about meaning for this weird dream

      by , 03-21-2011 at 04:31 AM
      I was living in Sydney, and was trying to look up an old partner as we lost contact for a few years. I was with friends (that I don’t know who they are lol not friends of mine at this present time) we were at a court house for some reason because he were due to attend a hearing on custodial issues, he seen me sitting in the gallery and we arranged to meet for drinks after the session, anyway then I went to my apartment and was getting ready to go and meet up and my friends were trying to talk me out of it saying that so many years have past there is most probly nothing between us now and I should just not go to meeting. Like I said really weird I woke up as I was sitting on his couch and we were talking about what we have both done in the years that have passed since we last communicated with one another.