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    The Boy In Need and Sleep Paralysis

    by , 07-13-2013 at 02:54 PM (369 Views)
    So I have finally decided to start an online Dream Journal. Let's begin with a bit of background. I have gotten interested in lucid dreaming since a month but I haven't been serious before. But now I am . So let's begin:

    The Boy In Need:
    A familiar boy that has repeatedly come in my dream appeared again and for the same reason: some kids are bullying him.I'm starting to believe that this kid is a dream sign of mine. I remember being in a school. Some boys of about grade 4-5 were playing football in the school ground. And two kids were making fun of this boy. He asked me for help and I agreed, again. Then the scene changed and I remember those boys had made a group in a chat titled something harassing, and were busy making fun of him as before. I threatened them and then they didn't reply after that. I then had called AbdullahK to help me warn these kids and we were thinking of a way to do that. The conversation went something like this:

    SleepingTalha: Hello
    AbdullahK: Hey!
    SleepingTalha: I need help, these kids are bullying a kid.

    He agreed to help and then asked, how do we do it. I said I'll figure it out and then let him know. He didn't reply back. I kept saying something to him. But he didn't reply. I cut the call. I realise I was in a car with my family and it was implied that we were going to an uncle's house. I recognised the location but the place looked a bit modified. Around the corner of the street, was a treadmill on which a friend of mine was running and then he turns and looks at us and starts doing idiotic stuff on the the treadmill including his own version of the Moon Walk. He was a total show off! I then Woke up to some noises in the room.

    Sleep Paralysis:
    I had woken up from sleep due to some noises and had caught a glimpse of my siblings playing around. I wanted to say something but I couldn't move my mouth, I tried moving my hands but all of my struggle was in vain. Finally, I gave up and apparently went back to sleep.

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