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    It isnt what we thought...

    by , 12-23-2011 at 08:16 PM (383 Views)
    Mind you...I am not racist...I am open minded and I think there is more to this dream than it symbolizing this or that. I am open to thoughts about it though I really wrote this down because I know that I was supposed to so please dont be mean or disrespectful. I would rather no one really read this because I wrote it for myself...but if you are looking to read something interesting that makes you wonder...Enjoy. God bless.

    There I was, standing in what seemed to be an airport terminal hallway. People everywhere as if we were in a Black Friday twilight zone. I see several muslims around. I could feel the presence of spirits residing in them. The room was heavy and the air was thick and it is as if for a moment I was in a total stand still. Then a muslim woman grabs my arm as she rushed through the crowd. "COME ON WE HAVE TO GO", she shouts in a panic. Confused and baffled at why we were rushing around and where we were even going, I submissively ran along, with her grip held tight.
    "Where are we going? Why do we have have to hurry", I curiously asked her in a paniced tone. What was her motive for dragging me along with her, I asked myself.
    "YOU WERE CHOSEN! There is no time to explain...you HAVE to be on there!"
    Be where? Why was I chosen? I had no real time to think as I rushed along. I finally saw the airplane that I was destined to board there through the window. I grabbed my arms full of the lose items that I knew I had to bring with me. "I cannot carry all these lose items with me, I have to put them in something" I thought to myself. I grabbed a dirty empty diaper bad (weird I know...but for some reason that is the only bag around) and started cleaning it out as fast I could. "NO TIME FOR THAT!" she said. I threw all of my things in there as fast as I could and rushed over to the security check table. At that moment, we saw the plane backing out and the woman screamed "NO, YOU HAVE TO BE ON THAT PLANE!" We scurried to the window to flag it down and the pilot saw us motioning for him to pull back in. Seemed like in a split second an evil tone blasting from the Captains mouth came as if when you see an airplane in the sky first...then you hear the sound. Fear started to lurk in my being as I now reluctantly got onto what seems to be a spaceship. It wasnt the airplane any longer. I walked around as if in some weird sci-fi movie where the person realizes that what we thought was reality...what we thought...could'nt be real, was. I thought to myself as I walked around in dismay, "It isnt what people thought it was. How they thought it was going to end. It's not an end, it is just a different reality of understanding" We fear what we dont understand and we mock in disbelief of the unknown. I was so uncomfortable at this point, of knowing how things really are...I just had to get out of there. I ran and jumped out and fell safely into this big plastic row boat(you know, the one you see at Dick's sporting goods) that seemed to float safely onto the water below. The wind picked up and lifted the boat from the water along with me inside. I had a different feeling of uneasiness at this point. The feeling you get when riding a rollercoaster...the fun and excitement..the surge of adrenaline that rushes through your viens. Then you reach the top and look down. At that very moment in time, you realize how high up you really are and this could be your last ride and you wonder why you got on this ride in the first place. So I wanted to be on the solid ground with great urgency! I maneuvered the boat just right in hopes that I could steer it to the shore side. I did, and it landed abruptly onto the sand. I felt safe and satisfied to where I was in this moment, yet still fearful of the unknown, what was to come. The sky was a dark black with grey clouds rolling like smoke in a kalidescope. I glanced over to my right in the distance and saw a prior ordaned minister who was also my co-worker. With out words spoken, we similtaniosly looked back up and saw was a large circular blood red color in the sky, which what seemed to be a cloud. It was too deep of a shade of color to be the sun and it grew larger and larger and with in one fail swoop sucked itself up into oblivian and was gone. Nothing left but the black sky and grey clouds. My coworker said, "Come on, we will take you in and keep you safe." Its like he knew what all had happened and he knew what the outcome was going to be. Then I awoke...

    This dream happened this past Sunday December 19th 2011. When I woke I felt so spiritually opressed. I felt sick could not shake the dream. I am one to always remember my dreams. The week before, it is as if I had none. This was the only dream I could remember until last night (Friday the 23rd). I was feeling so aweful with a bad migraine so on Monday I didnt go into work.
    The next day on Tuesday I was at work and saw a commercial on a news channel that talks about events happening around the world. It was about the guy that predicted the economic crisis, september 11th and other dates in history before they occured and it said that he was predicting something to happen around 3 months after the new year of 2012 to happen. I was at work so I could not just stand and watch this the whole time. It made me curious...but chalked it off as just something interesting.
    Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2011. I still had this dream on my mind and couldnt shake it. I told two of my co-workers about the dream. The one that was in the dream and the other is a very spiritual God oriented devout Christian whom I speak with daily about what God is doing all around us. They had there own theories. The one that was in the dream said the whole thing could be symbolic. The other seemed to simmer on it and didnt say too much. I felt a little lift in spirits when I told them though. That night my husband was watching something about the Mayan prophecy and 2012. I was busy with other things, but it entrigued me because the "clouds" that I saw in my dreams showed the exact same thing on the there. It was late and I knew I couldnt finish it so I told him I wanted to watch it...just not now.
    Thursday came. After doing everything my day required and I was relaxed we began to watch it again. Being of sound mind, I know that God gave us the ability to judge right from wrong and to TEST what is true from what is false. Watching this, I kept that in mind. While watching this God called me to read the book of EZIEKIEL. Remembering the image of my dream and watching the images on tv and reading the passages in Eziekiel, I was mind blown! I had never really read this book of the bible really and it takes of the images I saw in my dream!
    This is the second dream I have had this year like this where I couldnt stop thinking about it and couldnt really dream about anything else until I did what I felt I was supposed to do. This time I feel it was to write the dream down and gather pieces of information. I dont know why, or for what reason...God only knows. All I do know is God is moving and whether we are believers in God or not...you'll believe it when you see it.

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