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    1. Life in the Underground

      by , 07-08-2012 at 12:26 AM
      I was in some sort of underground military facility and I went into some high security room. Two people came in after me and I fought with them Elder Scrolls style. One of them was a mole at the facility and sneaked the other person out under a bunch of potato sacks saying that the potatoes were for fixing dogs. I ran into some guy who was a reincarnation of a samurai that started waling on everyone. I think a dog may have been chained to a piano and people were running around with goats.

      I was at a house party with a bamboo mesh over the porch that people were climbing on. Some angry guy shows up and starts chasing someone around and transforms into a mutant dog and explodes after being bit by a mosquito. We then went to an underground cavern to watch movies, everyone was holding up lighters like at a rock concert,
    2. Dull night

      by , 07-04-2012 at 09:30 PM
      All I can remember is running around looking for a copy of Microsoft Office. I need to get away from work.
    3. I'm not really sure what happened

      by , 07-03-2012 at 09:56 PM
      I wake up in my dream and go downstairs to the kitchen in someone's house where me and my friend drank this magic stuff. I thought Alice in Wonderland, which seemed appropriate because then the world started to sort of twist and lines melted together. I started to sort of realize I was dreaming, but I couldn't quite place my finger on the thought and as I was trying to think of what was wrong I teleported to the other room and stopped thinking about it.

      Then I went back upstairs and found myself in my room in my house with another friend of mine and I started listening to music. The world got a darkish blue color and then my phone went off using my old ring tone (Ballad of Serenity).

      I start wandering around my house and end up in a restaurant where I sit with some family and the waiter asks me what I'd like. I say nothing and walk away and find myself talking with my grandparents staging a coup with a council.

      I walk away and start wandering on some stairs with holes in the walls that lead to more stairs, the stairs were a lot like the M.C. Escher painting Relativity. I walk into a room where some friends of mine are looking up lolcats. I start getting swung around the room by my arms while running along the walls.

      Then I find myself talking with someone on a bridge when suddenly I turn into a dog, but apparently dog me thought this through really well because I have a towel in my mouth so as I'm walking when I turn back I just grab the towel and put it around my waist and keep walking as if nothing happened. Some guy who saw this says "What did I just see?", he and some other guys are loading a Jeep... And then I wake up really confused.
    4. Never thought the Mythbusters could get any better

      by , 07-03-2012 at 02:46 AM
      I start off walking from somewhere to somewhere else (a strange concept indeed). When I decide to get into my car and start driving crazy fast down a highway watching tons of exit signs fly by. Somehow I end up driving down the walkway on my campus, as I'm about to get to a wall I pull up on the parking brake and kill the gas by turning off a rocker light switch (The kind that you press in the bottom of the switch instead of flipping it).

      Suddenly I find myself sitting and eating cereal with someone as we watch to talk radio hosts direct a weird episode of mythbusters. There are people playing what appear to be arcade games that have some sort of trick when they lose (trap door, thrown backwards, and some others I don't remember). The episode is coming to an end when a fight scene starts and Adam and Jamie start fighting what I believe were clowns.

      The Mythbusters now stand as some of my favorite heroes of all time.
    5. Road trip

      by , 07-01-2012 at 09:48 PM
      I find myself driving around in my car trying to get to work, but every time I turn I end up on a road in a different part of town or another state completely. As I'm driving I notice that every time I hit the brakes they take a long time to take effect and I end up sliding around through intersections but still going pretty slow. After doing this for a while I find myself in the back seat of my car and my father is giving me a ride to my school. As we're going down the highway we run into traffic and stop when my cat from school jumps up onto the car and that lets me know we are close. My father decides to check under the hood for some reason, but ends up with me and him opening the trunk (though we opened the front of the car somehow we just jumped to the back we were opening it). We find in the trunk nitrous tank being fed into the gas tank with blue hoses. we take it out and from somewhere my father grabs some nuts and bolts, goes to the side of the road, tosses them up and smacks them with his hand. We get back in the car and I wake up.