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    Lucid Dreams

    1. My first lucid dream

      by , 05-16-2011 at 07:53 AM
      about four months ago, one morning on the way to work i fell asleep in the car, i started to have a dream that i was on my way to a friends house via taxi, and halfway he asked me for money and i freaked out because i didnt have any money, then it just happened i realised i was dreaming, got over excited at how amazing the situation was, started to bash the taxi driver because it didnt matter, then i awoke so disappointed i couldnt continue the dream, a couple days later i decided to post a facebook status saying "love it when you dream and you realize your dreaming then do what you want" and one of my friends commented saying 'pretty sure thats impossible mate' then another friend also commented saying 'it is possible, its called lucid dreaming'. so i left it for a while and a few months later a story just popped into my head that a friend told me about a year ago that went something like 'hey guys, how cool is it when your in a dream and you realise your dreaming, then just jump in the air and start flying' and then i couldnt get the idea of this lucid dreaming out of my head, so out of research lead me to this site, and now I've spent the passed five days keeping a dream journal hoping every night before i go to sleep ill be lucky enough to fall lucid in a dream.