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    1. Out of body..and back again

      by , 09-09-2010 at 05:31 AM
      Dream Date: 9/9/10 (morning of)
      I had woken up and gone back to bed several times.

      I don't remember what I was dreaming directly before this, but I remember I was in a nightclub, and there were people all around me. I felt like I was about to black out, so I (presumably thinking I had drank too much in my dream) immediately went into "Don't black out!" mode. This seems to have woken me up consciously, so I became aware that I was sleeping. When I was partially awake, I could hear reggae music very vividly, and I thought I had fallen asleep with headphones on. I don't listen to reggae, and I didn't recognize the song, so I'm not sure where the music was coming from. I began to slip back into slumber, and was *immediately* torn from my body, to the far corner of the room, near the ceiling. It happened very quickly, but I was able to turn and "see" myself and my fiance. (I put "see" in quotes because it was still dark in the room so it was hard to see). It was really cool, but as soon as I was on the far side of the room, I had the feeling of "cool...sooo...now what?" .....and then it was over.
      Tags: lucid, obe, reggae
      lucid , memorable
    2. Dream Within a Dream + OBE

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:50 PM
      Dream Date: 5/8/10
      (This dream was from a few months ago...)

      8:30 - awake and said goodbye to my Fiance, who is leaving for the day..
      9:30 (ish), laid back down to rest.

      Blue = Dream
      Red = Lucid Dream - level 1
      Dark Red = Lucid Dream Level 2 - The OBE

      As I drifted off, dream-like visions faded in very quickly (not typical dream cycle, this happened within 10 mins of me lying down)...early on, there we 2 guys conversing, the exact subject I can't remember, but their whole conversation was very clear at the time. Eventually I was 'dreaming' that I was at work, in class, but we needed to pull a girl from another class to help out. I was walking around looking at student's computers and their work...up to this point, it was very much like a dream...I was merely a passenger to wherever my dreams would take me. Then suddenly I was very aware of the moment, and I could feel first hand everything that was around me. I turned to the girl and said quite normally "It's pretty bright in here" (and it was, all of a sudden. Blindingly so.... and I squinted my eyes to see)...she asked me to repeat myself, and as I started to speak again, the sound of my own words blurred and faded out, as if time was slowing down, and without any control over what was happening (but yet, I WAS the dream body) I began to slip away, as if I was suddenly passing out. There was a moment of concern, but it felt peaceful and i didn't offer resistance. My consciousness shifted "inside of myself" (myself being the dream body), but could feel the 'dream characters' hovering around my 'dream body'. I was aware of everything - that my 'real body' was lying in bed, safely harboring a 'dream' of my second body, which had gone into a deeply vivid 'dreaming' state', in which I was extremely lucid, and could use that second level of dreaming to host my "lucid dream". This was different than a lucid dream though...it felt more like an out of body/lucid dream hybrid. I felt my consciousness 'physically' leave my dream body, and my 'real body' and I was moving around the room (a little clumsily, but I had some control over it nevertheless.) I remembered that in an OBE you can turn and see yourself...I could not. I tried, but...controls were difficult, and I was in someone else's room. It was a child's room...almost everything was white - white bed, with white ruffled comforter, white walls, and sun shining in through windows adorned in white. There was a Winnie The Pooh doll in the room...I never owned Winnie The Pooh anything, so i knew right away this was night my room. I continued to "stumble" around (I was floating, not walking)... the room changed, and it felt more like the room my 'real body' was in...I saw and felt the door, and somehow managed to open it, but the other side was not a hallway like I expected, its...Another door i believe. Or rather, a door warped strangely, like 2 wooden doors that had grown together...somehow. There were many illusions. I decided I wanted to see if I could find my fiance. I found myself at a place that almost resembled a night club, and i was higher up looking down at the people that were there. I moved over the reception area to the main room and found my fiance standing talking to friends. Soon my legs were wrapped around him from the side, and I was stroking the back of his neck, and hugging him. I had resumed my 'dream body' at this point, so I could feel him, 'physically'. He was not aware of my presence...(note: I was not seeking him out within a dream, I was seeking him out in "reality"...so I believe if this was merely a lucid dream, I would only be able to find him within a dream (his 'dream body' manifested by my mind). But since this was more of a Lucid Dream/OBE hybrid, I had a link to the 'real world' and could seek out his 'real body'.

      Interestingly, before I woke up earlier this same morning, I had been dreaming of a very "Alice in Wonderland" type world. But the world began to break apart, with nothing but darkness surrounding the stepping stone pieces of the "reality environment". We were hopping on, from one piece to the next, as the world broke apart. Between 2 pieces, there was a sort of vortex, that one of the dream characters I was with said was (a worm hole or black hole, I can't remember which ).

      Sidenote: I did happen to watch some videos on wormholes before bed, which definitely influenced this dream?

      Updated 09-02-2010 at 06:00 PM by 36096

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. Probably just the xanax.

      by , 09-02-2010 at 04:54 PM
      Dream Date: 9/2/10
      Influences: I took a xanax a few hours before bed (which I rarely take), to relieve some anxiety and clear my mind a little.

      Since the xanax made me a little dopey, I dreamed that I was on shrooms with a friend of mine (not sure who). We were in my room, and time seemed to go on forever. My friend seemed like they were starting to get nervous, so I told them all we had to do was go outside and get a change of scenery. We walked out my front door, and I was hoping no one would see us, but instead all of my neighbors were outside. A swarm of locusts came flying toward us where we stood (probably because I had heard several locusts at sundown earlier the same night). I went in the back yard, expecting to see it untouched, since I didn't recall doing anything crazy earlier while we were tripping inside, but I was wrong. All the back windows had been broken, and there was glass everywhere, and there were several bed mattresses that had been thrown into the pool (I don't have a pool in waking life). This made me wonder what else we may have done throughout the night that I couldn't recall?

      (Other dream here, that I swore I could remember without writing it down, but now I can only recall fragments)

      After waking up and returning back to sleep several times, I had a lucid experience of lying in my bed, looking out the windows, and seeing fruit - apples and grapes - dangling from tree branches in front of my window. I knew they were not actually there, so I didn't want to open my eyes. There was something else earlier in the night, but unfortunately I can't recall it right now...

      (Side note to self: DSM & LM- repeated tries, but no success )
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Skinks and Birth Control

      by , 09-01-2010 at 03:20 PM
      Dream date: 8/31/10

      : Before bed, had a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich, as suggested by member (Fuentesico). Also had some sake.

      Dream Fragments

      -I was walking down the street with someone (can't remember who), and saw Sebastion, a big black talking cat from a youtube video I saw recently, walking by. I said hello, and he just sort of gave me an attitude and kept walking.

      -I kept walking and came across a stand with cats available for adoption. peaked behind the stand, and they also had some mice, and a couple human babies mixed in..al of them just rolling around on the floor of the adoption stand. For a better look, she put all the creature in their own clear plastic cups, and strung the cups together on a string and handed it to me. I went through a few series of these (each string had about 15 cups on it)...I'm not sure if I was looking for a cat or a human baby at that point.

      -I was at the local industrial club, and the dj was playing good music, but I had to keep telling him to turn it up, since you could barely hear it.

      -I had a container full of dead skinks ( a type of lizard). I ate 2 of them, because supposedly they were a form of birth control. The girl that sold them originally was selling them 2 for $5, but changed it to $500 for 5 months worth. Right before I woke up, I was trying to give the skinks back to her, and one of them got out and caught on fire.

      (The rest of the night was mostly filled with anxiety, with the wedding coming up in a few months.)

      *As a note, I'm not pregnant...