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    dream fragment

    Fragment of Dreams

    1. 4/23/12 still kinda fragmented

      by , 04-24-2012 at 02:22 AM
      So I don't remember much, but in waking life, my mom is on a business trip, and I remember in the dream my mom came back she told my dad that he gained weight, most likely in the dream the business trip lasted longer than it really is, which is about a week. Anyway, its late, I can't think of anything else so yeah, that's about it.
      dream fragment
    2. 4/22 Dream fragments, again, didn't sleep well, but I'm finally not sick!!

      by , 04-23-2012 at 12:32 AM
      All I remember is flying a plane, and picking oranges. Pretty pathetic, huh? hehehe I love these things
    3. 4/7/11

      by , 04-15-2012 at 11:14 PM
      I think I had a layer zero lucid, very dark mood, very fragmented, I think I remember putting my hand through my palm, but I never really realized I was dreaming. So I was just walking around with this black haired girl and skateboarding, and there was a design inside the wheel that I've seen before. Then I saw a picture of Bart Simpson painted on a garagedoor?? DAFUQ?
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