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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Fifth entry! I don't think I'll go to Sheffield again

      by , 12-30-2010 at 01:17 PM
      I can remember 3 dreams? Maybe more

      Dream number 1- I went to see my brother at his university

      I was going to Sheffield to go and see my brother at his university! I'm not sure how I got there, only that I got there very fast. I was in a room of his accomodation and everything was white. The floor and the walls, the doors, the sofa, the furniture and there were quite a few shelves on one side of the room with little colourful objects on it that my brother and his friends own. On the other side of the room, there are a few steps to go up onto a platform which has a sofa and chair on it. If you faced the stairs, on your left would be this giant tank. It was filled with water and it had coral plants in it. It was my brother and his friend showing me around.
      Inside the tank was this fish. It was called an Awl fish (sounded like owl) and my brothers friend said the fish was completely harmless. It had the body of a person i suppose, except it was about 7 feet tall! It's feet had no toes, they just rounded at the bottom of its very long thin legs. On the bottom of its feet were dark pink suction cups type things. Like on an octopus. It was the same on its hands which looked just like the feet as they had no fingers, only round and also the same suction cups. It had these long tails? They weren't shaped they were just like hairless, skin tails. These 'tails' came off from its' legs and torso and its head. It also had one as an actual tail. It had huge black eyes at the side of its head. They weren't at the front but at the sides like a fish. Its mouth was like a cylinder and it was oblong. It took up most of the Awls head and had dark pink holes in it. It didn't seem to have any teeth. It was also pink.

      I then decided I needed to go and find my friend, B. The fish really creeped me out. So I was suddenly on the street B lives on and I go to her house and see her riding a bike and her parents and her sister are at the house and they said that B would come with me. So then I was in another house. It wasn't mine, but it looked similar. It was bigger and more spacious. The house seemed to be more part of a group of buildings though, like a school and I kept switching from this house and the university. Then I was with my other friend E and I don't think I was with B anymore but another DC who was my friend and she had blonde hair.

      There is a warning bell and everyone is afraid but are being really brave. We are told there is going to be an invasion I guess of the creatures. Most of them will try to kill us so we need to fight back. I team up with E and the DC (I'll call her Blonde) It begins with only being small animals, though nasty. Everybody easily kills them. People start teaming up or going alone and moving around. A few go outside and other stay in the houses. It also seems that it's not just the creatures that are against us all but the system as well. E, Blonde and I decide to go outside, like many others and we find that the creatures have gotten a lot bigger. We end up having to run from two T-rexs and it's also at night so we can only hear the T-rexs and only see them when light shines on them. There are other creatures but I can't remember them. E, Blonde and I are still alive unlike many others and we decide the safest place is inside. So we go back into one of the houses. We are in the kitchen but hear a T-rex just outside so we are about to go upstairs. But then I notice these heat sensor machines and the only way to get past them is to crawl below them. I tell E and she agrees. Blonde is nowhere to be found. I start crawling on my belly past the heat sensors but I think one of them catches me as I hear another roar. The sensors alert the creatures where a person is so they can kill them I think I wake up after that.

      Dream number 2 - The little girl died

      I'm working at this school and they are putting on a play. The school seems to be on a hill surrounded by many other fields and meadows and hills. Everything is sunny and very pretty.The teachers get all the children to stand on the tiered seats facing the stage in the middle of them. These seats and the stage are made of a pale stone and are circled by pillars like the ones in a roman or greek temple. The children in the play are dressed in their costumes (which seems to be ancient greek clothes) and the star of the play is a little girl. She has blonde curly hair and is very clever. I have to take care of her. The children all go through the play and when the little girl comes on everybody is excited. Until out of nowhere something flies toward her and hits her. It's like a little bullet and it kills her. There is a huge commotion and I then wake up.

      Dream number 3 - A continuation of dream 2

      It is the day of the play and the teachers and I come to a conclusion that we have to put on the play. I think one of the teachers must of turned back time to when she was alive. Only it was still the same day. I am walking with her across a field towards the stage and we are talking about the play. I then tell her to go and rehearse and I'm talking with a teacher. I ask her why we are going on with the play when it will just be a repeat of the rehearsal. I tell her that because we brought the girl back from the dead to do the play, she will die again at the same point in the play. The teacher tells me that she knows that will happen and that she just hopes it doesn't. The parents start to arrive and then the play starts. Sadly the girl dies again at the same point as she did in the rehearsal.

      Dream number 4 - A fragment

      My family and I are royalty and we have another royal family over who are really stuck-up. My brother is marrying their daughter. We are told that we must kiss her hand and tell her something ( I can't remember what though) to make her happy. Then the daughter and her army start chasing my brother I and our army. The daughter is part of her own army as are my brother and me. I wake up after.

      Thats it Didn't have anything before bed except for a chocolate biscuit. Stayed up a bit later than I usually do!

    2. Fourth entry :) Little dream pieces

      by , 12-26-2010 at 03:32 PM
      Merry Christmas!!!!! um,for yesterday

      I can't remember much, only little bits of three dreams? Two could have possibly been the same

      Dream 1

      I'm not too sure where I am... a laboratory or a school? Anyway, I'm there with a few other DC and we're trying to stop this man who is middle-aged. He has created this machine, that kills people. It has a spinning blade on it and is made of metal. He uses it to cut people in half and into little pieces when he knocks them out and straps them onto the machine The DC's and I see him cut one man in half and we know we have to stop him but we don't know how! The blade is dark blue, rusty and serrated. The room it's in is a very clean white and outside are green fields.

      This might be part of the previous dream but I'm not sure. My other friends and I go outside. At first it is the girls and I, so that makes 4 people and we are half naked. We all have jeans on, though. We go outside and are talking and laughing. It's a sunny and warm day We sit outside, with our hands covering our boobs and sit in a circle talking. Then two of the lads come over and are naked. Completely naked. However nobody minds and they sit down too.
      Then the girls and I take off our jeans and I have a bad feeling that my bum looks big.

      I'm taking part in some kind of sporting event that requires us to go in partners. A girl I used to know named Beth (she used to hit me and my other friends) grabs my arm, digging her nails in and says that we're going together. I push her off and push her down the steps and go with another friend, Amy. I'm furious at Beth.

      Another fragment
      I am a little white cat. All of my other friends are cats too and we're in this fair? At the fair are several houses that everybody goes into. I'm upset for some reason and we all go into this one little house. One of my friends who is a very big whtie cat is comforting me.

      So, can't remember much sadly, but I think I enjoyed those dreams quite a bit! Eat loads of chocolate before bed and baileys. Went to bed long after my usual time
    3. Second entry - non-lucid

      by , 12-22-2010 at 10:40 AM
      I can remember it this time.

      I'm in this gameshow (I think it is anyway) and it's my challenge next so I have to lie on this shark creature on my belly and have this strange fish on my back. The fish was large and was pale and slimy. It had a long fin going down its back and a long tail that kept flicking about. It had a HUGE mouth with no teeth and black lips. It used its mouth to suck itself onto my back. I then had to grab it's tail and tuck it under my shoulder.
      The host of the gameshow said,
      "Quick, you have to tuck it under your shoulder or else you will lose!"

      "I can't cause it keeps hitting me in the face" Is what I replied but I did eventually. When I'd finished the fish disappeared and it was the next contestants' challenge. The next contestant was my old friend, Brodie. When I did my challenge, we weren't even underwater!

      I think that may have been my first dream?

      The scene changes and I'm at my school outside on the benches. I've just gotten to know these two girls. One was called Holly and I don't know the other ones name. They both had fringes that covered an eye. Whilst talking to them, I unclipped the fringes, which also had red and green highlights in.
      For a laugh, I take some of my hair and I mimic their fringes. We all find this absolutely hilarious! I think there was also another person there, who was one of their friends and he was just laughing, but he disappeared when we went outside. There were also several of my other friends and they had books and were doing work or something in them.
      "You'll have to catch up later, you've missed it all whilst being with your other friends." Said one.

      She had blonde and curly hair and another friend had short brown curly hair. I turned around and this lady in a blue apron gave me a set of pocketwatches and said that I can sell them. Then this voice started saying that they can be sold at all these different shops like Wilkinsons, Asda, Millets etc. I turned back to my friends with the fringes and we carried on talking.

      I woke up after that