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    My first lucid dream as a child

    by , 09-01-2011 at 11:56 PM (379 Views)
    This was my first lucid dream as a child. I was probably 11 or 12.

    I still remember pieces of it now and I'm 26.

    I found myself in a mall. The mall had no stores but for some reason I knew I was inside a mall. I kept walking down this very long pathway closed by walls and I only had the choice to go forward or backwards. I continue to go forward until I reached this massive gum ball machine. For some reason this massive gum ball machine made me realize I was in a dream. I instantly became aware that everything I was doing was simply a dream. I then looked at my hand and thought, can I transform this hand into a weapon of some sort (I was into first person shooters/violent video games) surely enough my right hand transformed into a chain gun. I immedately start shooting down the walls and soon enough there was nothing left. I then remember just seeing blue sky and I thought maybe I can fly. I then instantly started flying and I thought where can I go? I then directed myself to a beach.

    I was 11/12 so you can imagine the next thing I thought of....well it was women. I ended up having sex with around 4 women before I woke up.

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