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    Telenti's Journal

    1. This was a triumph.

      by , 05-11-2011 at 07:10 AM (Telenti's Journal)
      Seriously. I'm making a note here, HUGE SUCCESS.
      Last week I got lucids too, and lately dreams are being VERY vivid.

      Lucid Non-Lucid Awake
      It was a sunny day (or night, hehe). I could feel the caracteristic heat of summer. I was at my highschool (which wasn't really my RL highschool), I was going home, just like everyone else. We all had come from a school trip or something. We were going down a small flight of stairs and we pushed each other. One of my friends almost fell and he yelled at me angrily . We seemed to be in a town near the beach that's nearby to my RL home. The beach-zone was to my right and in front of me were some cliffs, with the sea at the other side. To my left were some white buildings akin to the new "Cultural Centre" they built in my town. I went to the right towards my home (¿?) The place down there was familiar to me, I think it had appeared in another dream. There was some grass and some natural pools. There were also some strange natural bridges like 0.5 mt across which went up to the cliff. My friends and I raced towards the bridges (they were only wearing swimsuits now). I got first. I climbed up and they attempted to throw me off by breaking the bridge. I jumped and held onto the cliff-thing when the brindge fell apart. I got up and walked along the edge of the cliff. At some point I lost balance or something and I fell off, down into the pools. The fall was TREMENDOUSLY HUGE. As I fell, I thought: "Hey, this must be a dream. This wouldn't happen in real life" The dream started to fade, and ended with the splash of the water when I fell. I was very excited when I woke up, it was my first day of trying ADA and I got lucid! Hell yeah.