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    1. Starting to work on my dream recall

      by , 05-28-2012 at 03:03 PM
      Tried to dream about supernatural by watching it before I sleep and thinking about it as I fell asleep.

      What I remember dreaming about: I was in my room and it was quite a bit like my room but there was an entire SWAT team outside. Two of them looked up at me and I was wearing a Bane mask and Hulk gloves. I remember a lot of white, it might have been snowing. I went to my bed at some point but there were a bunch of ants all over, which is really disturbing.

      Next thing I know I'm downstairs and I pull this paper off my mom's diet pills and throw it away, it had Cleveland Brown on it, I think. My mom (I think) took it out of the trash and said something about someone needing it.

      Then there was something about driving that was like playing videogames but that part I can't remember. After that, I was in a kind of basement to do something that I can't remember. We (idk who, but I wasn't alone) walked in and there was a really small bear and I said something 'cause I was freaking out and someone else said something along the lines of there is nothing to worry about and they or I just pushed the bear down and it was out, I don't think it tried attacking us. We pushed or carried it into a nearby room and whoever I was with was gonna give it a shot. I remember a bird in a white? cage somewhere after that that I think could talk and I know there were other animals but I can't remember those. The next and last thing I remember was negotiating some sort of deal with someone in a hotel/office and I notice these guys are kinda following us and eavesdropping but they think I don't notice and they really aren't being very conspicuous but I knew somehow. After whatever deal I was making with whoever, I went up to one of the guys and I think it was Dean Winchester, not Sam, I don't know for sure but I know it was one of them. I asked him for an Aerosmith (possibly a different band but I'm pretty sure) discography and he said he had one out in his car. So we went out and I think Sam was already out there and Dean had locked himself out of the WHITE VAN. Not an Impala. Good detail to remember. I think I woke up after that, I might have realized I had been dreaming.