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    Memorable Dreams

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      by , 12-18-2010 at 07:54 PM
      I was surfing the internet, when I got "Inbox [1]" notification. I've got totally distracted and I opened the message. The message was from the institute of art and it said that they found donor, some woman. I have no idea for what. Also, there was annotation that I am supposed to visit them.

      I went there and the institute looked like some monumental building, but I was distracted by some paintings of some famous artists, that were standing on huge lawn in front of the building. And those looked like a vintage, ellipse picture frames, and like a monuments and statues at the same time

      On the paintings were some strange, rich, noble people; some countess, kings...

      On the one of the last paintings was me. I was portrayed as a very beautiful, handsome, in green dress with corset and with magical, vintage, curles. My eyes were brown, bright almost yellow...

      I realized I was dreaming and when a tried to touch the sky I woke up.

      Longest most boring dream ever-amazing-aquarelle-paintings11.jpg
      lucid , memorable