• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. My Reptilian Sidekick

      by , 06-03-2013 at 07:48 AM
      I am standing in the middle of a prairie. Far off in the distance, I see a downed flying saucer. In an instant, I am standing next to the craft. Then I am looking into the cockpit at the injured pilot. He has a humanoid body frame but instead of flesh and hair, he is covered in scales like a lizard. His face is severely burned and he appears to be close to the end. My dream logic tells me that I cannot take him to a human hospital and I cannot save him myself, so I pull him out of the ship and try to insure that his passing is more comfortable

      But he doesn't die. He wakes up and tells me that he cannot return to his own kind after such a failure. Being a non-lucid dream, I naturally assume that the best course of action would be to make him my sidekick. We could travel the galaxy in his flying saucer and fight crime, anywhere we were needed most. We would be an unstoppable force for justice in these dark times.

      He is reluctant to agree. He says that humans will not accept him as he is. I say he's wrong and that I'll prove it to him. I take him to a bar. We take our seats next to a pair of gorgeous young women. I order a drink for myself and my new companion. I ask one of the girls if my friend looks good enough to fight crime. She says " No, his face is burnt and his his eyes are too narrow. His skin is covered in scales and he looks like some kind of monster." My new companion chimes in with a "Hey lady, I am a Reptilian, other than the minor burns on my face, I was born like this!"

      Now she understands. "Well in that case you'd make an excellent crime fighter." My new companion and I share a high five and our logo imposes itself upon my perception of the dream. I wake up.

      This is my first DJ entry on Dream Views. I hope that anyone who read it enjoyed it and I hope to post many more exciting and strange adventures in the future.

      Until Then,