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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Being up very late

      by , 01-31-2011 at 05:30 PM
      I can only remember one dream clearly. I remember that i'm up very, very late. It was before a school day and i was up to around 3-4 am or something like that. My mom usually starts yelling for me to go to bed when it's 11 pm, so it was kinda weird. Both my parents were awake and told me to go to bed, but in the end they didn't really care.
    2. 3-parted high school party!

      by , 01-30-2011 at 02:40 AM
      First dream: I am going to a party at my high school and i remember being very excited, but when i get to the entrance i suddenly remember that i completely forgot to buy a ticket and therefore couldn't come in. *DREAM ENDS*

      Second dream: I arrive at the party and i got my ticket with me this time, so i get in. I remeber that someone gives me a newspaper right when i get inside. I don't remember much from this dream other than being very drunk and probably going around saying hello to friends. *DREAM ENDS*

      Third dream: This dream is the weirdest one of the three dreams, but also the one i remember the best. For some reason i've left the party, but i've come back. I go inside and get the annoying newspaper again. I end up giving it to one of my old classmates. I'm looking around the school, to see if i can find any of my friends, but i can't. I'm walking down the hallway and i see happy people dancing. I see a bunch of people, really going wild in the hallway. I think they are actually breakdancing, i look at them, like they're weird, but they also put a smile on my face. Suddenly out of nowhere i see my cousin walking down the hallway. (Which is weird, because he lives like five hours away from me). I say hi to him and he starts acting threatening to me in a joking way and we kind of stand there speaking to each other, when suddenly one of the guards come and tells us we're going in the metal cage. And he was right. In the back of the dancefloor there was a big metal cage where he put us in. I remember one of my classmates being there as well talking about MMA with my cousin. *DREAM ENDS*
    3. Another gaming related dream. And bowling!

      by , 01-24-2011 at 04:50 PM
      In the first dream i'm at my high school where we get told, that there is a bowling team and to join you need to buy your own pins.

      In my second dream i'm at home with some friends. It's not my real home, but in the dream it's my home. The house is kind of a mixture between my best friends house and my grandfathers house. We're playing with my brother, in some free to play, shit, first person shooter. The guys he is playing with and himself is using a program to communicate. We try to use the program and i remember it being very very bad.
      Later in the dream, one of my friends have to leave and i say goodbye to him.
      Moments later one of my other friends arrive with his father at my house. He have his bowling pins with him and they are in several big bags which are impossible to carry. There is a staircase outside my door and i want to help carry them up the stairs, but it's just pretty much impossible. At some point, i almost get the hang of it, but i'm carrying the bag in a really weird way and his dad tells me that i won't get up the staircase. I just sort of think "Fuck you, i'm getting these pins up the stairs!" and finally gets them up. Seconds later they slide down the stairs and he starts laughing and i'm really frustrated.
      The dream ends.
    4. Still sick

      by , 01-21-2011 at 09:47 PM
      I feel that my dream recall is getting better, but i'm still not in the mood for writing down all my dreams since i'm still sick. But here is the one dream i remember very clearly and detailed:

      I'm watching a movie about two italian policemen who are driving on a empty road, when suddenly a little boy appears and chase him around for one and a half hour and i just skip through the movie. I then write a facebook status about how much i think the movie suck, and later find out that people really likes the movie and trashtalk me on my status, even people i don't know.

      The next day i'm at my high school (or gymnasium at it's called in Denmark) and i find out i have to go back to school in a week. I leave the school and go out to get my bike and on my way out i tell a very mucky joke about Justin Bieber (wtf?) to one of my classmates.

      Suddenly i'm in a car with a big black guy and a tough mexican woman. I find out that they are policemen and are on their way to a very dangerous job. The black guy is driving the car and the mexican woman is sitting next to him. I'm sitting in the backseat. They are both very nervous and the woman puts on some relaxing music and starts sleeping. Now the man driving the car gets mad because someone put a strawberry container on his gear shift (i don't even...)
      The dream ends.
    5. Weird partycrash

      by , 01-18-2011 at 05:21 PM
      I arrive at a party and walks through the garden where people are sitting.
      I walk into the kitchen to sit with one of my friends i recognize from real life (i don't know if i walked with him to the kitchen or if he have been there all the time.)

      Suddenly the girl who are throwing the party's (i can somehow feel it's a girl throwing the party) father walks in to the kitchen and starts moving the table (and all the tables in the house) in to their shed because there isn't room in their shed.

      The dream ends.
      Tags: party