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    Holy shit

    by , 10-31-2011 at 01:32 AM (420 Views)
    So i saw a big black screen saying "You found an unusual commentary node" equipable by medic and " You found Starnge troublemakers tossle cap" with a picture of an oversized tefflin (stupid religion class) Then i was walking down some stone stairs like in oblivion aleyid ruins and there was a choice to go left and right on the left there is a storage closet and on the right is a room with the oversized tefflin in it so i opend it and found some sort of black or red garment probably the tossle cap itself.....
    Teamfortress 2 might be my dream sign

    This is the style of the stairs and rooms minus the skeleton ofc

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    1. Tortimer65's Avatar
      Excuse the spelling mistakes and grammer mistakes it is rather late and im new here so any tips on lucid dreaming would be good.