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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Slave labor "games", and the chimps. (Non lucid, bits & pieces) (WARNING VULGAR LANGUAGE!!!)

      by , 03-11-2011 at 10:33 PM
      So I'm in the dream, and for some reason I remember something about this female chimp, how she is loyal to the male chimp, and just as big (Which is anatomically incorrect).
      Suddenly I find myself as a slave to this man (Not sure what he looks like or even if he was a man).
      I do these game sort of tests when after awhile I notice my 2 little brothers Co** and Cor** were also slaves.
      I have this wave of absolute anger come over me.
      After awhile I meet the man again hoping to try and get free. I see him and throw the most vulgar insults I can, all because he enslaved my little brother cor**.
      "You mother fucker" "You slimy piece of shit" and things like that.
      After awhile I find myself in a position to get free with my brothers. There are these three little car type things outside. We run for them and get in, we get down this hill and take a left in this random persons "driveway". It's on of those drive ways that cut through the front of the house and back into the street.
      As we go down it I hear something or see something that tells me we are going to get caught.

      Dream was extremely hazy and mostly forgotten, most of the events I told you had jumps in between that I forgot about.
    2. The nail, and the alien. (Non lucid, bits & pieces)

      by , 03-11-2011 at 10:22 PM
      So I am in the dream, when I notice I have this nail in my hand. As I go through the dream, this alien starts chasing after me for the nail. I don't know why but I keep it from the alien. He chases me around town, some times he manages to get the nail, but I manage to get it back.
      After awhile I start being creative about how I keep the nail from the alien, one time I hid it among other nails in my hand, other times I dropped the nail just before the alien searches me for it.

      Most of the dream is hazy and forgotten, so sorry if none of this makes sense, I know it doesn't make sense to me.
    3. Dream journal 1 (Jet)

      by , 01-20-2011 at 11:28 PM
      I'm in my back yard with my brother Cody and Chris, I'm also wit some of Chris's friends.
      We are out there just looking around, when for some reason we all decided to look up. Suddenly we hear what sounds like a low flying jet aircraft. Out of the midnight clouds this grayish military jet aircraft appears and suddenly takes a hard left (My left the jets right) towards a city. I say 'Guy's that was a jet aircraft headed towards that city." But one of Chris's friends say "Military Jets are white" and they ignore me.

      I decide to take a look through this telescope to see if the aircraft is coming to attack. So I look but their appears to be nothing. Dream gets blurry.......
      Next thing I know we are picking guns to use. Dream get blurry....
      For some reason I have a sniper.

      I look through the scope and it works I'm looking through the scope down te hill (Still in my backyard) and I'm looking at this car I back up from the scope. It was so amazing and so clear.
      I pull back the cocking handle just to test it out and it works. The gun itself was so real, and again so amazing.
      Now everyone has a gun so we start moving into my large back room of my house. Me and my brother Chris go in first, then my brother cody. Chris gets into cover on the left side of the room where a couch used to be but now a box. Behind him is another box that I decide to take cover with.

      As I move up I feel stings on the back of my head and back. I turn to see what they are and it appears my brother cody had been shooting his gun. But they weren't bullets they were small little bb's. My brother Chris just turns and stares at him as tons of BB's are flying past his head and mine.

      Sudden;y the dream ends