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    An Unusual DIELD-Lucid #43

    by , 11-23-2012 at 07:50 PM (567 Views)

    After a routine awakening, and after lying down and relaxing for a couple minutes, I figured I would give auto-suggestion a try. I thought to myself "I want to lucid dream". A voice inside of me explained three different choices of dreams I could enter. I chose the third one. Immediately, my bed started spinning. As the bed was spinning, I could feel it moving out of my bedroom, downstairs, and out of the house. I was teleported to my grandmas family room where I was standing in front of a man.

    He asked,"Could you ask my son if he's allergic to oak or yellow?". I went and asked the boy who was sitting nearby watching tv. He told me yellow. I went back to the man and told him.

    He asked,"Could you go and tell him his momma's boss fired her?". As I went back to ask the boy, I noticed on the tv there was a lot of fire and explosions. I told the boy the bad news.

    "Aw, cheets!" he exclaimed.
    I woke up.
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