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    TwinkleFairy Tutu

    Recurring dream 2. Hiding in the grass.

    by , 10-29-2011 at 01:40 AM (497 Views)
    This is a dream that I had every now and then from the age of hmmm about five to twelve? I started having it a few years before I moved which was when I was six and stopped sometime around the end of elementarty/beginning of middle school which woule be eleven. I know five is a pretty early age for this dream but I guess that is why it stuck. It is simple really. . .

    I was in my backyard. In the house I lived in at the time the yard basicly circled around it. the grass was very tall, about up to my chest. I had two strangers searching for me, both men. One had a shotgud and the other had a pistol. Sometimes it was night and sometimes it was afternoon but always the same things happening. I would run around crouching behind the grass trying to keep my distance and sometimes sitting still while they walk past searchign for me. I think someties they shot at me but in a "something moved over there so I will shoot wildly" kind of way. It is the only dream I have had more than twice and it happened over years. One of the very few dreams I have ever had that scared me.

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